Fillon defying the EU? That will never do !😆
I guess one can tire of numero uno and time for the US to take a backseat.There's way too much to keep up with, and those who care won't have any trouble finding it, but this is a biggie. Perhaps the biggie:
China steps up as US steps back from global leadership
No one can accuse the Dutch of not having a sense of humor. This video absolutely nails it:
The Netherlands Welcomes President Trump With This Scathing Video Parody
Yep hilarious actually and I suspect the way to rattle Trump is via parody as opposed to pointless protest. Nothing will get under his skin more than everyone taking the ****.
president donald trump is the first elected president in gallup’s polling history to receive an initial job approval rating below the majority level. He starts his term in office with 45% of americans approving of the way he is handling his new job, 45% disapproving and 10% yet to form an opinion. trump now holds the record for the lowest initial job approval rating as well as the highest initial disapproval rating in gallup surveys dating back to dwight d. Eisenhower. trump’s inaugural approval rating is not much lower than the 51% recorded for george h.w. Bush in 1989 as well as for ronald reagan in 1981, but his disapproval rating is substantially higher than theirs. Whereas 45% disapprove of trump, only 6% disapproved of the elder bush and 13% disapproved of reagan.
PS I love you all !!! Even those democraps who think I'm not magnamouse (whatever don't no how to spellit as never experienced it)
Unfortunately, the more rattled he becomes, the more dangerous he becomes. This becomes increasingly more obvious with each passing day, particularly to world leaders.
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I quite fancy the "May to pledge funding for the Mexican wall" at 50/1
Anybody but Trump it would be the usual platitudes.
Will he give her a quick grope 3/1
She ought to go on to Mexico afterwards or be labelled the usual UK grovelling poodle !
What about torture ?
He is threatening worse than water boarding.
Has America forgotten it had the moral high ground and was proud of the fact ?