I always wondered and still wonder why the US which is the most advanced country in the world, in terms of her economic and military might, with all the advanced technology, space supremacy, with a nuclear arsenal and global wealth, land mass, favourable climate and agriculture, one of the few countries independent in fuel, energy and food feels sooooo vulnerable???
I've heard it here and on TV where an average male or female talks about US being weakened?
Are you guys for real?
What scares me, is what is it that you want to do that you can't do now already?
As someone who grew up watching Champion the Wonder Horse, Lassie, Little House on the Prairie, The Waltons, The Bionic Man etc etc etc., I have great fond memories of the Great US of A.
When I visited and spent some time over there in the 90s, I loved the place, the people and fantastic customer service always with a smile.
Now I see the US turning into something really horrible and nasty. Vile disgusting President, half the population loving him for those reasons, an isolationist America having led globalisation as well as aggressive foreign policy now playing the victim.
I'm really losing the affection I had for America. I find listening to Trump torturous as he comes across as stupid, limited in vocabulary and so corrosive with his vision and tough talk. I usually, turn off and wait for someone else to summarise his amazing wonderful fantastic BS.
Very sad to see US going down this route. Very very sad. 🙁