Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Trump and Bannon, much like with Brexit in the UK, do not have a massive majority trying to portray them selves as ultimately the will of the people who need sheparding from the wolves.

Leaders seem to think because marginally they've been voted in they can forget the other half.

Always difficult to find middle ground but Bannon is another white supremist Christian who is insane and these two probably have frenzied feeding off each other in their little bubble.

I fear there are many challenges ahead for all Americans. 😱

In fact based on false lies perpertrated by Nigel Farage too all three are leading the UK and US and ultimately the West into some very bad foreign policy decisions imho.

In Egypt muslims are now turning on Coptic Christians, ethnically cleansing areas and security forces are unable to protect them.

I thought something like this may happen.

Sadly each side will portray it as justifying their actions. Once the evil genie is out of the bottle very difficult to put back in.

Egypt is not on the banned list for some odd reason!!!

The way minds work is just absolutely baffling with so many inconsistency, poor analysis and no rationale.
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Because Trump has business interests there.

You and I may see patterns and the inconsistencies but others less willing to see.

Extreme vetting is no longer being practiced as some Syrian and Iranian film producers have been rejected despite having valid US issued visas.

So I'm afraid the wannabee little hitlers have already taken their positions and doing as they see fit irrespective of the law of the land.

Now if I have a US issued visa and I get denied entry, I would like to sue the US government for wasting my time, money and effort.

I think the judicial system has to look at who has issued the visa and who has declined it?

One of the Iranians or Syrian's declined the appearance anyhow even though he has been granted a visa just on principal grounds.

My children are saying they wouldn't like to visit USA as it sounds like a dangerous place after the Indian shooting as it seems it's all pot luck of the draw on some random whim of nutcases inspired by their President who opens fire in public. They are impressionable teenagers but obviously old enough to know US don't look great anymore. On the contrary it's on a very slippery slope down the ladder.

Well they are all the same they are brown is the level of intelligence of some people. I'm sure a lot of them like Trump would like to punch'm in the face too.
I think we've had best part of this debate on the Drugs thread here...

What is becoming increasingly clear to summarise;

1. Cannabis is a recreational drug with beneficial and some side effects. Both which need more studies as relating to THC (bad) and CBD (good).

2. On balance smoking, eating or drinking the stuff seems to have less bad aspects than smoking tabacco or drinking alchol.

3. Pushed underground in the hands of drug gangs, a more potent form of the drug (skunk) with higher levels of THC are produced.

4. Legalised with scientific and medical research, the THC strains can be removed or minimised as pure hash with high levels of CBD can be developed, which is mother natures pain killer with little or no side effects.

5. Criminalising users of this drug really means locking up regular people some who are licensed for medical use.

6. Wasting police time that can be much better used in stopping hard drug use and traffickers.

7. Wasting space in prisons and tax payers money with the law courts.

It really doesn't serve the public interest and just another one of those ill thought out policies that will hurt the US Government and most importantly the US people.

Did not do George Michael much good.

What started as a casual cannabis smoke.

Ended up with hard drug addiction.

And also food addiction.
I am surprised no one has picked up on Trump's latest. To get absolute power in the US he has to tame the media. Today at the briefings his spokesman banned the BBC, CNN and the New York Times from the usual daily session on the grounds they have printed nasty things about Trump. Whatever happened to freedom of the Press ? This is his attempt to gag the press. He hasn't produced one bit of evidence to prove his point.
Completely mad ! Dr. Joseph Goebells would be proud of him.


Over it every time I put the radio or TV on there is Trump.

Nothing for or against him.

Might make the media work for a living.
Wait there's more...

Trump Wants Credit for Cutting the National Debt. Economists Say Not So Fast

President Donald Trump asked on Twitter why the media hasn’t reported that the national debt has dropped since his inauguration. One explanation, some economists said: Trump couldn’t have had anything to do with it.

“Anything that has happened to the debt has been on autopilot since Obama left," said Laurence Kotlikoff, an economics professor at Boston University. “If anything, he is taking credit for something Obama did."

The president took to Twitter on Saturday morning to say that the national debt declined by $12 billion in his first month in office compared with a $200 billion increase in Barack Obama’s first month in office. The tweet followed a Fox News segment on which former presidential candidate Herman Cain made the same statement.

Trump’s numbers are accurate. The national debt of $19.9 trillion did decrease $12 billion -- six-hundredths of 1 percent -- from his first day in office until his 30th. It’s also true the debt fluctuates by billions of dollars each day, and the current spending and tax revenue levels that drive those short-term variances were set by the last administration. Trump hasn’t had a chance in his first weeks to change the level of revenue collected through higher taxes or cut federal spending through a new budget.

The $14.4 billion in debt held by the public, rather than as securities in government trust funds, was $94 million lower on Feb. 21 than on Jan. 20, when Trump was inaugurated. But the following day, the debt level popped back up more than $1 billion due to regular changes in spending and revenue.

“We applaud the president for focusing on the debt as an important metric of success and economic health, but would point out that the improvement this early in his term has to do with normal fluctuations in spending and revenues rather than new policies he has implemented," said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

This guy really must think the sun shines out of his **** 😱

It's no joke. He genuinely believes his own BS! I'm surprised he doesn't have his own newspaper or television company. 😱
You may have missed this:

Neutering the media is an essential step in deconstructing the government.
washington may need some sort of deconstructing! It sure hasn't been working good in recent years! ROFL.
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How come media doesn't "link" the high rate of crime in chicago to some of the strictest gun laws in america? But, they WILL link the shooting of two people from another country directly to trump. Why not link the killing of americans in mexico to mexico's presidente! Why not link robbing a bank to poverty? Where is the personal responsibility for such actions? People love to blame others (especially liberals..progressives and regressives like to blame LOL) when the wickedness is in their own hearts and the gov cannot, nor ever has, nor ever will be able, to fix that problem.
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I could post the stats on the increases in racial, ethnic, and religious crimes since the Republican primary season got into full swing, but anyone who cares about this has already been following it and knows it. Those who haven't, don't, and don't likely care.
yea generally promoted and driven by those acting like nut cases out in the streets broadcasting their violence protesting trumps election. They are the ones fueling the racial divide. And pushing said agenda using the elections as their mechanism. They are the ones acting like bigots. Just read the posters they prance around with and hold up. They are the intolerant ones. They cannot accept that they lost.
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Democracy needs to be defended from the autocrats even from within their own party.
Letting Trump denigrate the United Services Cee and muzzling the free press are 2 steps towards dictatorship.
Democracy may not seem up to much but it is a lot more comfortable to live with than a new era of extremism.
Rome went from democracy to dictatorship in just the same way, with mere mortals calling themselves Gods to rule or in many cases misrule as Emperors.
How come media doesn't "link" the high rate of crime in chicago to some of the strictest gun laws in america? But, they WILL link the shooting of two people from another country directly to trump. Why not link the killing of americans in mexico to mexico's presidente! Why not link robbing a bank to poverty? Where is the personal responsibility for such actions? People love to blame others (especially liberals..progressives and regressives like to blame LOL) when the wickedness is in their own hearts and the gov cannot, nor ever has, nor ever will be able, to fix that problem.

Have you looked to see what unemployment levels in Illinois are compared to other states?

FBI are investigating his motives? Race hate crime they'll say?

Trouble is race hate against who?

Indians, ME people, muslims or just brown people. Tough one that???

One needs to ask the question what the trigger was that got this man to act in the way he did? Why now?

Last I recall, a Sikh was killed around the time of 9/11 tower destruction because the gun man thought he was a muslim wearing a turban like that of Osama Bin-Ladin.

This is a funny point but if you recall Trump's Florida hanger speech, there were quite a few foreigners positioned behind him and two looked Indian to me, both very enthusiastic and clowning around. I was laughing at their hyped up performance and now wondering if they'll still go into predominantly white bars to have a few drinks.
So, after a few weeks of this, we have propaganda, rhetoric, lies, truth, fake, real, social media, who would have thought what the internet could mean for the next phase of human society.


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Politicians, educators, liberal elites, news corruptors have got away with it for decades....they sure don't like it when ordinary Joe turns the tables on them. :clap::clap::clap:

Sen. Rob Portman Bans Democrats from Speaking Event, Fundraiser in Ohio

The idea that elected officials only represent those who voted for them is a dangerous precedent, but it’s not difficult to trace the influence of this sentiment, as the president himself has been fairly open about this idea.

At last week’s bizarre press conference, President Donald Trump said, “They (protesters) fill up our rallies with people that, you wonder how they get there, but they’re not the Republican people that the representatives are representing.”

And that appears to be where we are: the representatives of a given party affiliation represent only those who are members of that party, not the electorate as a whole. Doing what is "best for the country" becomes, then, an archaic notion.

Dangerous precedent indeed.

a great read by two compassionate capitalists living in america.

we are all one on this planet Earth. We all want the same things, personal freedom to live our lives as we see fit (but no harm to others), health, and that notwithstanding affordable "sick" care. Our children to live better than us. To have hope & prosperity.

Their isn;t one human on this Earth that wants any less for themselves or their progeny
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I would suggest the Democrats and Republicans get together to closely watch that Trump doesn't destroy democracy in the USA in his pursuit of money and power.
The signs are showing his greed and personal ambition know no bounds.
1. Gagging the free press with false accusations of misleading news stories. He doesn't accept any criticism however valid but accuses others of lying.
2. Demoting The Joint Services Committee and taking personal control of the nations nuclear capability.
3. He will personally attack the legal executive and try to frighten them into doing what he tells them. They should be quite independent of the political process.
4. He is building up a hatred of all things foreign to focus the attention of the US people.

All classic moves towards a dictatorship.