Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Ummm, I think we're having different conversations🙂 What exactly do you mean by "ripped off in Brussels" then ?
Negative trade balance for starter, UK dairy industry destroyed, business practices alien to Anglo-Saxon way of business just to mention few.
Do not wish to be drawn to spent too much time repeating the obvious. Two of my businesses have been destroyed by crazy law exported from Brussels, and good craftsmen lost their jobs, well paid jobs.

Let say there is a big house with two families living in it, its possible, though at times some stress is humanly unavoidable, and by the way lets assume they speak the same language, Now lets assume there a much bigger house with 28 families living in it. One wants spaghetti while the other wants burger, not to mention another one wants a smelly rotten fish, on the top of that they speak different languages and have different habits, it is only human for the whole project to be filled with stress, complaining and unhappiness. That is one way to describe the crazy project of the political union.
Negative trade balance for starter, UK dairy industry destroyed, business practices alien to Anglo-Saxon way of business just to mention few.
Do not wish to be drawn to spent too much time repeating the obvious. Two of my businesses have been destroyed by crazy law exported from Brussels, and good craftsmen lost their jobs, well paid jobs.

Let say there is a big house with two families living in it, its possible, though at times some stress is humanly unavoidable, and by the way lets assume they speak the same language, Now lets assume there a much bigger house with 28 families living in it. One wants spaghetti while the other wants burger, not to mention another one wants a smelly rotten fish, on the top of that they speak different languages and have different habits, it is only human for the whole project to be filled with stress, complaining and unhappiness. That is one way to describe the crazy project of the political union.
Thanks for the clarification. I take it then that you've got what you wanted?
You give him too much credit. It was the ERG that led the campaign for Brexit. He stood to be an MP, unsuccessfully, on more than one occasion.

Negative trade balance for starter, UK dairy industry destroyed, business practices alien to Anglo-Saxon way of business just to mention few.
Do not wish to be drawn to spent too much time repeating the obvious. Two of my businesses have been destroyed by crazy law exported from Brussels, and good craftsmen lost their jobs, well paid jobs.

Let say there is a big house with two families living in it, its possible, though at times some stress is humanly unavoidable, and by the way lets assume they speak the same language, Now lets assume there a much bigger house with 28 families living in it. One wants spaghetti while the other wants burger, not to mention another one wants a smelly rotten fish, on the top of that they speak different languages and have different habits, it is only human for the whole project to be filled with stress, complaining and unhappiness. That is one way to describe the crazy project of the political union.

Life isn't like that though is it.

Let's say there are 28 families with 2 adult working children and four cars between them. Let's say they all speak English.

However, they have 28 different sets of rules how they drive their cars, negotiate roundabouts, drive on left or right, and who or which lanes have priority.

They live in a small town called Ramsgate and have to share the use of road and highway.

So they sit around a table and establish a set of standard rules and agree to all follow those standards when driving.

Then one family says they are tired of following rules and want's to drive more like they used to wild and free and exits the union of Ramsgate.

Now sit back and watch the crashes.
Police/ Security just invited everyone in to the building.

Come on through. Cop on film.

CV matey, those clips of a hand full of police officers allowing those people through clearly need to be investigated who gave the instructions or commands to do so.

To me it looks like they had no option left but to stand aside in the face of good couple of 000 protestors against a handful of police.

Questions need to be asked why precautions were not taken and why it was so easy for those protestors to walk in without opposition.

However, considering 5 people died the account given by your video clip is still much b0ll0x that doesn't explain the deaths, the damage and aggressive threatening behaviour of those very angry demonstrators.

Nor does it explain the police lines trying to hold off several hundred protestors who don't seem to quite get the message.

Your two presenter twits obviously only assessed two select clips to make their presentation. They are indeed at your level of telling stories.
Life isn't like that though is it.

Let's say there are 28 families with 2 adult working children and four cars between them. Let's say they all speak English.

However, they have 28 different sets of rules how they drive their cars, negotiate roundabouts, drive on left or right, and who or which lanes have priority.

They live in a small town called Ramsgate and have to share the use of road and highway.

So they sit around a table and establish a set of standard rules and agree to all follow those standards when driving.

Then one family says they are tired of following rules and want's to drive more like they used to wild and free and exits the union of Ramsgate.

Now sit back and watch the crashes.
Funny enough, there were not a lot of crashes before UK joined EEC due to your given example.
By imposing political union, Brussels does not please anybody, apart of Brussels elites and some politicians who value corrupted ideology proven many times to lead to disaster, That has promoted a rise of many crazy projects, like Euro, European Army, ad so on.
Can you explain how French currency has got that same value as German currency, while France is bankrupted, and it is due to get worse(UK is no longer obliged to buy their agricultural products) while Germany does not have a great debt and has a surplus. That is just an isolated example.
Deal, whatever one thinks of it happened because on the EU side, Germany wanted it badly, though France objected to it with little effect, to get at Germany. Now these two "pillars" of the initially good project, hijacked by socialism will have to make nice faces playing boring and dangerous drama, France cannot occupy Germany again, and Germany lost desire to occupy bankrupted France ( with their 4 armed and ready to fly jets), Saying that I would like to state that both nations are great and friendly people and I have friends among them. What I am trying to say is the danger of corrupted and usually big governments, stealing, manipulating and taking undue advantage from its very own people.
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Funny enough, there were not a lot of crashes before UK joined EEC due to your given example.
By imposing political union, Brussels does not please anybody, apart of Brussels elites and some politicians who value corrupted ideology proven many times to lead to disaster, That has promoted a rise of many crazy projects, like Euro, European Army, ad so on.
Can you explain how French currency has got that same value as German currency, while France is bankrupted, and it is due to get worse(UK is no longer obliged to buy their agricultural products) while Germany does not have a great debt and has a surplus. That is just an isolated example.
Deal, whatever one thinks of it happened because on the EU side, Germany wanted it badly, though France objected to it with little effect, to get at Germany. Now these two "pillars" of the initially good project, hijacked by socialism will have to make nice faces playing boring and dangerous drama, France cannot occupy Germany again, and Germany lost desire to occupy bankrupted France ( with their 4 armed and ready to fly jets), Saying that I would like to state that both nations are great and friendly people and I have friends among them. What I am trying to say is the danger of corrupted and usually big governments, stealing, manipulating and taking undue advantage from its very own people.

Why is there any need to explain the economy of any country in the EU. Who cares about Germany, France or the PIGS with excessive borrowing and spending.

Just focus on UK economy. EU is simply a trading bloc with some harmonisation of rules and policies. As before there is no coercion. UK could have picked any one of the other trading agreements already in place but decided to play hard ball and as we have it with the help of 'Euroseptic' think tank carved out a so called superior deal more beneficial deal to the UK with lots of IoU promises scribbled to the back of a condom wrapper.

Now we sit back and watch how popularism unfolds for the US and UK. Far too early to gloat about the last four years big fuckup if you ask me.

I would like to add, that superior leadership and better distribution of income and higher living standards has kept the far right wing extreme parties at bay in Europe. People don't buy into their blame game as they do in the US of A.

One also hopes we'll see an end to all this "they don't like our democracy BS". US of A exporting democracy at the point of a gun to other nations in Northern Aftrica and Middle East with their great Arab spring uprising. Which certainly contributed to Brexit with similar big lies from motormouth Farage. Furthermore, hypocrisy of uncle Sam is amazing given that they are so bloody keen on their super democracy but choose not to sort out the Sauidies - who happen to be one of the most cruel, corrupt and torturous sh!t stirrers of them all, who are responsible for 9/11 as well.

Some people really only see what they want to, choose to or like to see. There is truth and then there is fiction and then there is Trumps alternative reality.
Funny enough, there were not a lot of crashes before UK joined EEC due to your given example.

I think that we now have a problem of definition of terms.

Though I'm an Englishman, I have spent almost all my adult life living abroad and have called France my home since the mid-70s and frankly I'm a foreigner here in my current abode in sunny South London. The rest of my family is as disparate and dispersed and I have relatives from France,Sweden, Germany, Austria ...and English ones living all over Europe - and farther afield.

I remember decimalisation and the gradual removal of the conditions that engendered "car crashes" on a daily basis in all areas,: trade, transport, travel, tax, education, healthcare etc etc. The complaints that are beginning to be voiced by people trying to do business with the EU are (imo) an unwelcome surprise but I remember clearly that those conditions were normal. Doing business was a fight and getting almost anything done cross-border required a plan. Ordinary civilians needed to make absolutely sure that they got their ducks in a row.

Over the years, the unutterable shite mountains of red-tape for almost anything in Europe have gradually reduced and generally speaking (from the point of view of an ordinary citizen and ex-businessman) life has become progressively simpler. This is not only from a UK perspective but the European thing more generally.

There are many things wrong with the EU and I agree that it was definitely too much too soon. The EEC otoh made much more sense as it still allowed the people of Europe to feel like Europeans which they most certainly didn't after the war. As the UK didn't get to share in the largesse of those large numbers of German tourists during the 1940s (apart from the Channel Islands) there was never quite the same sense of being a potential battlefield. Now that the oldsters who lived through that (and were the architects of the EU) are pushing up daisies there is no longer a feeling of urgency to get to Winston's United States of Europe ideal and an organic harmonisation of cultures, economies and societies appears a more measured and reasonable approach.

My principal objection to leaving the EU is that having clamoured to be let in, it seemed sensible to continue to have a seat at the negotiating table rather than just being negotiated about. The idea that the UK was never able to influence matters and that it's voice was not heard is fiction. What is quite true is that nobody in the EU is deliriously happy and everybody thinks that their own issues are the most important. It is clumsy and and inefficient and lots of things don't yet work well or at least as they were supposed to.

As an example, I agree entirely that the single currency was and is a huge mistake when it comes to aligning the economies of the member states. When the Euro was introduced we (in Frogworld anyway) were sold the idea that it would replace the USD for international trade and travel so you wouldn't have to juggle invoices and book rates for business nor carry around half a dozen different currencies just for a fortnight's jaunt somewhere. That it was actually going to replace national currencies was a shock to most people - certainly in France and Germany.

Anyway, whilst I do get the desire to be completely independent and isolate oneself from a perceived alien culture and foreign grouping, this insular approach means perforce that some of the good stuff gets removed with the bad. The things that are in doubt are exactly what and how much; when those become clearer then it will be possible to make some kind of reasoned judgment as whether it was a "good" or a "bad" move. For me personally - as someone who over a few decades had got used to an increasingly easier "european" life, this is already "bad" and will get worse still over the decade or so that represents (optimistically) the rest of my life, so much so that I have decided to go for exclusive French residence and quite possibly citizenship as well. There is a certain irony that the idea of "freedom" that's being promoted is actually a diminishment of freedom for anyone who considers themselves to belong to a larger grouping, like myself.

So here we are, Day 16 - we need considerably more distance to be able to get a general perspective when the new deal affects people (for good or bad!) more widely.

BTW: As this is the "Trump presidency and the consequences" thread, relevance is easily established. It's all his fault! The fish, the queues, the movement and security fiascos = Trump. Extra costs for trade = Trump again!!!

As always I wish you well🙂
I might have to change my opinion of Trump's sanity, if he pardons Snowden and Assange.

No, he's got you again. It tells us that both these guys are fake. Think it through..
Yeah think it through ...
If he behaves like a non human tinpot dictator then he IS a non human tinpot dictator for all to see.
If he behaves like a civilised human being he's a non human tinpot dictator pretending to be a civilised human being.
It all makes sense see.

25,000 troops for an inauguration? Pull the other one.

25,000 troops for an inauguration? Pull the other one.

There are some other good things to watch there, like one below.
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25,000 troops for an inauguration? Pull the other one.
The irony about this is that the troops are - theoretically at least - there to protect Biden and the Dems from some ne'er-do-well lunatic far right white supremecist Trump fanatic who wishes to do them harm. The penny's just dropped that the military - for the most part anyway - are Trump fans and that the biggest risk isn't from civilian Trump supporters - but from the military themselves. I've seen some reports that suggest their guns won't be loaded and any soldiers that have viewed the 'wrong' content online or posted views that deviate from the mainstream narrative of 'orange man bad' will be relieved of their duties. But the authorities have got their work cut out to vet all 25k+ soldiers before Biden's big day tomorrow!