Wasn't Brexit about similar issues?
What issues are you referring to as now there seems to be so many.
1. Controlling borders doesn't include building a wall at a cost of $20bn and making the French pay for it.
If they chose not to, we could slap on 20% import tariffs on their produce once we leave the EU.
2. Controlling borders doesn't include banning people from entering the UK based on their religion or country or origin. OR turning them away, whether they were studying at university, working for British companies or held British passports.
So to answer your question no, completely different to the EU Brexit fiasco. That is similar to US leaving NAFTA and in some respects would include leaving and banning labour flows or rather switching to some kind of rule based system not a complete indiscriminate ban.
I'm speechless to imagine he has support on both counts. Moreover:
A. There have been no (zero) terrorist activity ever conducted on US soil from any of the 7 named countries.
Zero US citizens killed on US soil by any muslim originating from any of those 7 countries.
Egypt and Saudi Arabia where the 9/11 terrorists came from, planned and orchestrated by not on list.
However, the gun lobby is probably responsible for the death of 11,000 US citizens.
The food industry is probably responsible for considerably more deaths from obesity, heart failure and strokes along with a few ecoli breakouts.
B. You guys do know that Mexicans don't walk over the desert floor right? They use busses, boats and aeroplanes like everyone else but simply do not go back once visas expire.
So Trump the super businessman thinks a $20bn, 3000m long wall is going to stop a man on a donkey from walking into US is a good investment that's cool with me.
Never seen or imagined anything like it. Shambles. Lots of so many words I can not say.
He and his cronies think it is all working really amazingly well.
US fecks up Iraq, Syria and Iran to a large extent, creates spring uprising, exports democracy and freedom and then doesn't like the stew it has made and blames everyone else but to look at her failed trumped up policies.
Right now US really needs the help of the whole World to help US citizens deal with Trump.
Good luck to you all as you'll all need it in one way or another sooner or later.
Can't wait to see what his going to feckup next?