Shocking. Absolutely shocking. Hearing some of the personal stories on TV and it is really really sad. Even US government and administrators are confused.
Detaining people, turning them back with no warning, whether they were about to board, in mid-flight or waiting in the queue. One gentleman with a green card aged 78 detained like a criminal. Whether they have family in mainland, have been resident for 20 years plus not matter, people ordered and simply just detained or to be returned back to country of origin.
Then there are business personnel who can't return back. Google have 128 employees who are not allowed back in. Absolutely stunned at the administrative shambles.
Not how one imagines government policy should be designed, communicated or implemented. Apparently it's a major security concern. REALLY????
Is this how he perceives US greatness. Martial law more like. US is under attack. Siege mentality. Is US stronger?
Just heard on the BBC he has said the world is in a mess and this is making America stronger. What a joker. A clown.
It may have started with these 7 countries but this mad man will sooner or later do something that will impact you. Somebody else today and you may well agree but it could be you another day with some other **** poor decision and judgement. What goes around comes around. 😱
Apparently, he doesn't want Prince Charles to raise green issues otherwise he will errupt? I'm an eco-friendly kind of chappie and I would like nothing but green issues to be raised with the numpty. To stipulate what one can say or not is just sooo freaking wrong. Moreover, to say it publicly about our Royal Family who do so much public good without being able to speak out. Queen has concerns that numpty will tweet out some rubbish against protocol.
I can see eggs and tomatoes greeting this amazing wonderful man who talks of doing many great fantastic things.
Good luck to all you Americans. You going to need it for the next 4 years to see this over grown ape pick up some management and leadership skills. 😱