Trend Spotter

Could I also add that Sid was not available 100% of the time due to a house move and some very serious family difficulties.

He made it very clear though that his attendance would be sporadic over this period. Sometimes, during this period, he did not quite follow through with the times he stated he would be there.

In respect to that he extended the money back guarantee by two weeks.

All the time this was happening, there were 2 traders, with a combined experience of 18 years, always available to help in the room.

Sid is settled now though and in the room on a consistent basis, offering full support and calling good trades as well as providing the rational behind them
So is the 100 user limit for this now used up?

Dispite the negativity, this system still sounds intresting to me.
That's certainly took the wind out of my sails.

But I bet it's took the wind out of their SALES!! 😉
wwatson1 said:
That's certainly took the wind out of my sails.

But I bet it's took the wind out of their SALES!! 😉


Thats' great Watson. Oscar Wilde has nothing on you mate! lol!

No, the room has, in reality , been filling at a steady rate.

Sid's unforseen and tragic family circumstances have not affected the increase in membership.

(I'm sure that, somewhere deep down, you are pleased to hear that Watson.)

As I have said though. Sid is here full time now, producing the educational services and outstanding calls he guaranteed, 100%.

Is there anything else anyone can help you with?

Good luck mate.
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Psiphere said:
So is the 100 user limit for this now used up?

Dispite the negativity, this system still sounds intresting to me.

Hi there Psiphere,

I don't know whether the limit has been reached or not.

I'm just a member of the group and don't have that information.

The website is

More information and the contact details are there.
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Thanks for the responses.

I think I'm going to purchase this system as well, I just finished thread through this ENTIRE thread (took me a couple days) and the majority of people who have indeed purchased and come here to comment seem to be quite pleased and not think it was a waste of money by any means.

I have a question for people who have already received the system though, what is it exactly that you receive in the mail? I disk with the trading signals saved on it? Some sort of book or manual? I'm just confused as to why it specifically need to be mailed and not downloaded instead?
You receive a CD with the Metatrader software,the indicators and installation pdf's.There are other trading pdf's included but not unfortunately a comprehensive manual or user guide on how to use the system and what to look for.The actual user guide provided is rather sparse.I believe the chatroom with Sid provides the tutorial element.Although reading through this thread there have been some posts saying that they will eventually provide additional user guide material. Sid/Phoenix, would either of you care to elaborate on this.
Thanks Nums
Things seem to have gone quiet on this has the system been performing lately?

Schoe? What happened to your journal using this system.????
Hi Smar, Long time no see hope you are well. The main reason the thread has gone quiet is that everyone who wanted to buy the system has done so and are talking in the chatroom.

I am sorry I have not been completing my journal this is mainly due to lack of time and discipline on my behalf I have been breaking even overall with the system so far I have had some good days and other bad ones but I am gaining confidence in my ability and enjoying my trading knowing I am always with the short term trend.

There are some good traders in the chat room and I have learnt a lot from some of them there are also a lot of newer traders and it would be fair to say that there have been some frustrations with the system amongst a few in the room recently with the sideways nature of the markets

However these traders are also learning from Sid and other traders in the room it is the nature of trading that with any system some will succeed and some will fail the software is in no way a black box system its as I said earlier in the thread more of a decision support system, as you know Smar trading is hard work and there is no Holy Grail this method is not the magic pill you will suffer some whipsaws and you then need the discipline to stay in for the bigger moves.

Sid has been very patient and everybody is learning from him on a daily basis.

Hope this helps. Regards Schoe.
Hi schoe.

Glad to see your still battling away at it, like me. I've been working on a mechanical scalping strategy for YM and GBP FUTURES (take away the emotion), i cant get to grips with the longer term, haven't go the patients...

Good luck anyways!!

So in summary you have all paid £299 for an indicator that others may have posted for free on here?

I have studied the free indicator and fail to see any edge as they have been many many whipsaws.

Would anyone still like to comment?

What has Sids trading record been like lately?

If Sid has sold the 100 copies then he's made £30,000

I've attached the latest signals from the free indicator to show the whipsaws. Can anybody comment whether these signals do in fact tally with the paid for system?



  • indicator.gif
    22.7 KB · Views: 394
JonnyT, I haven't bought the system just yet, I was away for the weekend but am looking into purchasing it this week. However, from my reading through this thread, I thin it has been extablished that this free indicator is indeed the same (or... at the very least generates the same signals) as ONE of the indicators in this system.

A number of posters have also reported that sid, additionally, provides another indicator for -filtering- these results down to a finer point (mainly designed for staying out of whipsaws such as what may be occuring in the currently flat like market). So as I understand, there are AT LEAST TWO indicators that come with this system, a signal indicator and I believe the other one is called a 'trigger' indicator - I gather this from looking at some screenshots attached to some posts in this thread. As far as I understand, you would only take the trend signals if the trigger signal is also in the green. The trigger seems to assist in recognizing trends and avoiding whipsaw like markets. Some have mentioned similarities with ADX but people who are actually using it claim that it is quite a bit more efficient than ADX in predicting trends vs whipsaws and a number of people have also stated that is the best trend indicator for avoiding whipsaws that they have seen to date.

All of what I just mentioned I gathered only from reading the posts throughout this entire thread. I'm sure others may have some additonal comments for you.
Hi Johnny
Yes the Indicator you have posted do tally with the Phoenix system.But what you are looking at is only one indicator which is part of the system and taken alone it is obviously not very accurate, but it only becomes usefull when used in conjunction with the other indicators supplied.When this is done it's great at identifying which signals to take and which to dismiss.I'm still getting to grips with it, but from what I have seen so far has been very promising.And this is without having visited the chatroom.P.S Sid/Phoenix any update for the members?

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numspar said:
Hi Johnny
Yes the Indicator you have posted do tally with the Phoenix system.But what you are looking at is only one indicator which is part of the system and taken alone it is obviously not very accurate, but it only becomes usefull when used in conjunction with the other indicators supplied.When this is done it's great at identifying which signals to take and which to dismiss.I'm still getting to grips with it, but from what I have seen so far has been very promising.And this is without having visited the chatroom.P.S Sid/Phoenix any update for the members?

I'm wondering how close the Trendspotter "TS indicator" (allegedly used to prevent whipsaw trades) is to the "TS_TrndSignl" as used in the more expensive TrendSignal system?

See the TrendSignal screenshot, here.

well, thats your answer. b/e. oh but im learning lol. no responses to the questions to sid. no side room to asnwer questions like promised still weeks after wards.

promised but no follow through. lets see $400 x 40 people = $16,000. wonder what he will "add-on" when that money runs out.
With a few of people in here using MetaTrader I'm curious if anyone knows how to or has some script to display price boxes around each of the days, something that would draw the high and low lines of each day so that I can easily visually separate the days when looking at a chart and see what their highs and lows are and if each box as a whole is above or below the previous day, etc. Anyone know of a way to do this? Kind of like how VT Trader (cmsfx) displays by default.
Psiphere, right clk on a chart and check 'Show Days' which will place vertical lines for the beginning/end of the trading day.

If you want horizontal lines you can place them yourself; there's probably various indicators for Support/Resistance and perhaps Fibo levels.
Keep cracking on trend system/magic indicator add on thingy with a bit of help from some guy called sid, followers.

I have traded many systems and said "if I could only trade the good signals and avoid the whipsaws" sorry to say it can't be done.

You can fool yourself into thinking you can tell which signals are going to be the good ones and when to stay out of the market.

Some of the longer term members i'm sure no doubt will agree with me on this.

If you can back test it taking every trade and it produces positive results (enough to cover cost's and give a healthy profit) good, But don't think you can better it by adding your own intuition.
Thanks for the help with the day separator in MetaTrader, that helps a bit, I'll have to find (or program) some high / low lines for the day later on perhaps.