Hi chaps,
I've recently registered on here but I've been lurking for a while now and previously had another username a number of years ago (the login details to which I seem to have forgotten...). It previously wasn't the right time in my life to give trading a genuine chance due to other life commitments, but I feel now is the right time to dedicate myself to mastering the art.
I am admittedly right at the start of my trading journey. I haven't traded in the live market (as I don't have a thoroughly tested and consistently profitable trading plan as yet) and I have only just begun to study charts to get a feeling for price action and market rhythm. I've been reading and trying to absorb as much info as possible (on here and wider web) and have an idea of the markets and timescales I would like to investigate further (the first stage in my journal - which reminds me, the journal template on here is an excellent resource and a credit to the T2W contributors).
What I have gleaned is the following:
1) I am very interested in the US market as I would like to trade the afternoon session when I come home from work (I'm UK based). I know about the pattern day trader capital requirements (min $25k account balance) if using a direct access broker rather than CFDs - but I like the sound of being able to start off by just placing 3 trades in any 5 trading days when I begin to dip my toes in the market - an automatic brake on any initial desire to over trade if you will.
2) I find stocks more appealing than indices given the sheer number available and the potential for finding a suitable stock that fits a high probability trading set up (though acknowledge this creates an additional layer of complexity in finding suitable opportunities).
3) I believe an intraday approach would suit my risk tolerances (would prefer a peaceful night's sleep without any fears of gapping), and I've always preferred more fast paced activities.
The end goal is to make this a full time pursuit and my primary source of income (though I acknowledge this could be many years down the line, if ever). At the moment, I will be doing this in my spare time (after work, weekends etc).
After reading numerous threads it seems Mr Charts and Naz are day trading US stocks in a way that potentially appeals to me. I've been studying their threads to get an idea of how they trade, but I've been thinking that it would be useful to get some 1-2-1 coaching from them.
I should say that I'm definitely not looking for the holy grail. And I'm not looking to be spoon fed a system without putting the hard graft in. I would view any system/methodology I am shown as a point of departure, something that I will inevitably tweak to suit my own personality and preferences. However, I do believe that it can't be damaging to see how a system that is profitable for someone else works (and if I can't be profitable myself from the same system, then I hope I would still take away some ideas that I could incorporate in to a system that works for me). I know there is a shed load of freely available info on the web, which I intend to use, but any further advice or pointers (paid for or otherwise) is always welcome.
Now, I do understand that there is a huge difference between knowledge and experience. I definitely don't expect to become profitable after spending a day with someone. That can only come with time. Any trading coach can only transfer knowledge, not their years of experience studying price action and understanding the rhythm of markets and their various nuances (which is probably where their trading 'edge' comes from - and is no doubt the key to consistent profitability).
Right, so after that little preamble, I'll get to the point. I know that posts such as this run the risk of going completely off track and debating the merits/pitfalls of 1-2-1 coaching, seminars etc seems to be an emotive subject, but I would really like to keep this on topic:
I would really like to hear from anyone who has attended Richard Joyson or Alan Rich's 1-2-1 training days (or similar tuition). As I said above, I understand that the important question that should be asked is, "did you fully understand the way THEY trade after the day?" i.e.
1) Did they fully and clearly explain their setups, use of Level II, T&S etc. on the day? Or did you come away still confused about their methodology/set ups?
2) Were you happy with the level of support you received after the training (answering follow up questions etc.)
3) Did they walk you through any live trades so you got a feel for how to execute the setups with their guidance?
4) I understand they may adjust their teaching to the knowledge/experience of the student, but in hindsight, what would you recommend the student knows (level of knowledge/experience etc) beforehand in order to maximise the benefit of the day?
5) Have you been able to successfully incorporate their setups/methodology in to your own trading and how much of a benefit would you say the coaching was to you?
Please feel free to pm me instead of responding on the thread. Many thanks in advance for any thoughts and advice, and apologise for the long read!
I've recently registered on here but I've been lurking for a while now and previously had another username a number of years ago (the login details to which I seem to have forgotten...). It previously wasn't the right time in my life to give trading a genuine chance due to other life commitments, but I feel now is the right time to dedicate myself to mastering the art.
I am admittedly right at the start of my trading journey. I haven't traded in the live market (as I don't have a thoroughly tested and consistently profitable trading plan as yet) and I have only just begun to study charts to get a feeling for price action and market rhythm. I've been reading and trying to absorb as much info as possible (on here and wider web) and have an idea of the markets and timescales I would like to investigate further (the first stage in my journal - which reminds me, the journal template on here is an excellent resource and a credit to the T2W contributors).
What I have gleaned is the following:
1) I am very interested in the US market as I would like to trade the afternoon session when I come home from work (I'm UK based). I know about the pattern day trader capital requirements (min $25k account balance) if using a direct access broker rather than CFDs - but I like the sound of being able to start off by just placing 3 trades in any 5 trading days when I begin to dip my toes in the market - an automatic brake on any initial desire to over trade if you will.
2) I find stocks more appealing than indices given the sheer number available and the potential for finding a suitable stock that fits a high probability trading set up (though acknowledge this creates an additional layer of complexity in finding suitable opportunities).
3) I believe an intraday approach would suit my risk tolerances (would prefer a peaceful night's sleep without any fears of gapping), and I've always preferred more fast paced activities.
The end goal is to make this a full time pursuit and my primary source of income (though I acknowledge this could be many years down the line, if ever). At the moment, I will be doing this in my spare time (after work, weekends etc).
After reading numerous threads it seems Mr Charts and Naz are day trading US stocks in a way that potentially appeals to me. I've been studying their threads to get an idea of how they trade, but I've been thinking that it would be useful to get some 1-2-1 coaching from them.
I should say that I'm definitely not looking for the holy grail. And I'm not looking to be spoon fed a system without putting the hard graft in. I would view any system/methodology I am shown as a point of departure, something that I will inevitably tweak to suit my own personality and preferences. However, I do believe that it can't be damaging to see how a system that is profitable for someone else works (and if I can't be profitable myself from the same system, then I hope I would still take away some ideas that I could incorporate in to a system that works for me). I know there is a shed load of freely available info on the web, which I intend to use, but any further advice or pointers (paid for or otherwise) is always welcome.
Now, I do understand that there is a huge difference between knowledge and experience. I definitely don't expect to become profitable after spending a day with someone. That can only come with time. Any trading coach can only transfer knowledge, not their years of experience studying price action and understanding the rhythm of markets and their various nuances (which is probably where their trading 'edge' comes from - and is no doubt the key to consistent profitability).
Right, so after that little preamble, I'll get to the point. I know that posts such as this run the risk of going completely off track and debating the merits/pitfalls of 1-2-1 coaching, seminars etc seems to be an emotive subject, but I would really like to keep this on topic:
I would really like to hear from anyone who has attended Richard Joyson or Alan Rich's 1-2-1 training days (or similar tuition). As I said above, I understand that the important question that should be asked is, "did you fully understand the way THEY trade after the day?" i.e.
1) Did they fully and clearly explain their setups, use of Level II, T&S etc. on the day? Or did you come away still confused about their methodology/set ups?
2) Were you happy with the level of support you received after the training (answering follow up questions etc.)
3) Did they walk you through any live trades so you got a feel for how to execute the setups with their guidance?
4) I understand they may adjust their teaching to the knowledge/experience of the student, but in hindsight, what would you recommend the student knows (level of knowledge/experience etc) beforehand in order to maximise the benefit of the day?
5) Have you been able to successfully incorporate their setups/methodology in to your own trading and how much of a benefit would you say the coaching was to you?
Please feel free to pm me instead of responding on the thread. Many thanks in advance for any thoughts and advice, and apologise for the long read!