Tradstation 2000i Questions

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Tick Charts.

Hi ,
I have been looking at Tick charts , I am having a problem trying to display the number of ticks that are left to go before the current bar ends.

Any help would be appreciated.

ianp said:
Tick Charts.

Hi ,
I have been looking at Tick charts , I am having a problem trying to display the number of ticks that are left to go before the current bar ends.

Any help would be appreciated.


If you are using TS then insert Volume indicator as a subgraph to your chart and set the scaling on the indicator to User Defined. The Min value is set to 0 the Max value is set to the value of your tick chart - i.e. if you are using a 300 tick chart set the max value to 300. This will show you how many ticks have already gone into the bar. If you want to know the number of ticks left, little programming should do the trick for you but I tend to do it in my head - it's pretty easy.
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Zeos6 said:
If you are using TS then insert Volume indicator as a subgraph to your chart and set the scaling on the indicator to User Defined. The Min value is set to 0 the Max value is set to the value of your tick chart - i.e. if you are using a 300 tick chart set the max value to 300. This will show you how many ticks have already gone into the bar. If you want to know the number of ticks left, little programming should do the trick for you but I tend to do it in my head - it's pretty easy.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for that it worked great.

Dear all

I have jusy intalled the Omega research prosuit2000i. the current version is 5.00.0707 .I have been trying hard to rund updates files like service pack 4 but I am consistantly recivenig an error message which is " This update is for build 706-767 and 768.set will abort"
So may I scincerly ask any one who has an idea to fix it give me hand.
I am really frustrated.

rramin said:
Dear all

I have jusy intalled the Omega research prosuit2000i. the current version is 5.00.0707 .I have been trying hard to rund updates files like service pack 4 but I am consistantly recivenig an error message which is " This update is for build 706-767 and 768.set will abort"
So may I scincerly ask any one who has an idea to fix it give me hand.
I am really frustrated.


Hi Rramin,

The version of Prosuite I am running is 5.00.0822 (Date 03/23/2000). I think you have an older version that needs to be updated with Service Packs. If I recall correctly there were two service packs. I will look for them in my archives. I am heading out and will not be back in this afternoon so I will not be able to respond to you regarding this matter until tomorrow (Aug 18). Maybe others on these boards will be able to help you sooner. Regardless, I will let you know tomorrow. All the best.
rramin said:
Thanks I am anxuiosly waiting for your help

Hi Rramin,

I just recently moved and stored my CDs in a safe place.I am stilll looking for the Service Pack files. I have not forgotten you.
Zeos6 said:
Hi Rramin,

I just recently moved and stored my CDs in a safe place.I am stilll looking for the Service Pack files. I have not forgotten you.

My apologies but I cannot find my Prosuite CDs. I have searched everywhere I can think of and they are not there. I am upset about this and need to find them but it may take some time as I have no idea where they might be following the move. Perhaps someone else on these boards can help you in a more timely fashion. Once again, my sincere apologies. All the best.
Problem Starting GlobalServer

Hi All,

Does anyone get this annoying problem when starting GlobalServer:

"a critical error occurred in GlobalServer, shutting down"

Usually, if I keep trying, after five or six attepts it will start OK and then works fine.

If anyone knows what might cause this and/or what I can do to fix it that would be great!

Many Thanks

History plugin for Tradestation/IQ feed

I have bought a new computer system to take care of the resource hungry Prosuite. For a change the processor speed now stays under 40% most of the time.

I am however, facing a problem in getting the history download from IQ feed. In my previous computer I used Hyperserverlite + the 'history plugin for tradestation' to download the history; The hyperserver web forum from where I could download the history + hyperserver lite programme downloads has been discontinued- so currently in the new computer I have managed to copy the hyperserverlite from the old computer to the new so the real time data download is not a problem but for the history, even when I have tried to copy the 'history plugin' and the 'downloader exe' from the old to the new computer, it does not download the history data.

Has anyone faced this problem at all? Please can someone suggest a solution?


Do you regularly run "Nightly Maintenance " ?

Hello Paul,
I am trying to load the Globalserver on Windows 7 to collect data. I have got the message "a critical error : globalserver is shutting down"
It would be wonderful if you can help me too.
Where is my mistake?
Nice, revived a thread after 17 years!
Check the event log on your computer for any errors that may be related to GlobalServer/Tradestation 2000.
Try running Tradestation 2000 in Safe Mode.