prosuite vs ts2000i


Junior member
familiar with EL but not with tradestation software,

i am searching for a ts2ki software cd with forever-good pasword or
as they call it "the life time license key". sometimes there is something on
ebay but i am a litle confused and hoping for some help here from some ts2ki
users or traders that have used it in the past.

what exactly is the difference between prosuite and tradestation 2000i ?
is tradestation 2000i a part of the "prosuite collection" like radarscreen
or optionscreen ? what am i not getting why are those 2 confusing me;
sometimes i read story's of people claiming ts2ki is better than prosuite.

what should i look out for, which version would do best for me ?
i simply want the software to backtest my models using my own
ascii intraday data which i asume can be imported by ts2ki ?
it doesnt nesecarely need to be online and will not be used for active trading

any help is much apreciated

maybe even someone here still has a ts2ki CD for sale

Prosuite includes Radarscreen and TS2000i where as TS2000i only includes the charting package.
You cannot import intra-day data in Ascii format only EOD data can be imported in this format so you would need a converter that would change it to XPO format then it can be imported.
If you have Prosuite then it is better than just Tradestation and I don't see how people can say that Tradestation on its own is better as it has less functional capability.

For backtesting purposes you would only need Tradestation.

Prosuite includes Radarscreen and TS2000i where as TS2000i only includes the charting package.
You cannot import intra-day data in Ascii format only EOD data can be imported in this format so you would need a converter that would change it to XPO format then it can be imported.
If you have Prosuite then it is better than just Tradestation and I don't see how people can say that Tradestation on its own is better as it has less functional capability.

For backtesting purposes you would only need Tradestation.



are you saying TradeStation2000i is not able to draw intraday charts without
having a realtime data vendor, is this correct ? it can only import EOD data ?
what is the difference between eod and intraday, is there any other intraday format
TS2Ki is able to import, you mention XPO format is supported ?

if not than i guess TS has no value to me, as i want the software only to develop further
intraday modells, i will not use it for trading i have my own EL compatible software for that.
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What I am saying is that you cannot import intra-day data in Ascii format it has to be in XPO format which you can get from vendors or you can try and get a converter to change Ascii format to XPO format.

You don't need a live datafeed just data in the correct format

What I am saying is that you cannot import intra-day data in Ascii format it has to be in XPO format which you can get from vendors or you can try and get a converter to change Ascii format to XPO format.

You don't need a live datafeed just data in the correct format


thank you Paul