Tradstation 2000i Questions

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I am using the new version of Tradestation 8.1 is there any add on for Analysis Techniques through a third party?
twalker said:
2000i works fine with xp pro.
Hughmacs suggestion works too. Just need to make sure you see those folders are visible as xp does not show them as defult need to change in folder options.


I am interested to get real-time datafeed from eSignal into my TS2000i. Just wondering how you the setup procedures ? where could I find it ?

many thanks.... ptcm
re: Twalkers original question for TS2k purchase and linkserver for linking to Reuters Bridgestation with backfill-aiming to try it soon myself.

I tried eSignal but found the data to be hopelessly corrupt (a seperate issue from my other post on this subject). I sent them multiple examples but they did NOTHING. My advice would be to look at Bridgestation.
I am in the process of testing out the connection with IB's TWS + MetaServer + TradeStation 2000i Global Server.

I am able to make receive data from IB’s TWS in MetaServer already. Now I am in the 2000i Global Server setup wizard. It is asking me which datafeed to install. There are 7 options.

BMI SubServer
DBC Online SubServer
DBC SubServer
DTN SubServer
HyperFeed 2000 Online

which is the correct one for RT MetaServer + IB's TWS ? Is anyone using 2000i here with MetaServer with IB's TWS ? Could you please help..... many advance...

mokwit said:
DBC online

Thanks mokwit,

After I have the Global Server connected and in fact, started receiving data.

Under "quote receive": this number is constantly going up ...285..291...

But when I tried to insert this symbol in a brandnew workspace in TradeStation, I recevied an error message saying "no data available for the selected date range"

IB's TWS + MetaServer + Global Server are all connected.....

Has anyone encountered this problem before ? thanks a lot in advance....
mokwit said:
Have you actually entered the symbol into globalserver as well as into Metaserver ?

yes, under Global Server, the real-time status for the symbol is "connected"

under metaserver's status, it's a green circle + an increasing number 17...23......28

I am testing it with a demo account from IB. The data is not "real" real-time, but it should still work, right ? as long as Global server is able to receive data from MetaServer ?
"no data available for the selected date range"

This will be down to the settings you have in TS2000i. You need to set all the parameters similar to that shown below and set the days back to a fairly large number. Then leave the screen until enough data has been collected to display the information.



  • ts210306.jpg
    32.5 KB · Views: 309
Globalserver looks fine, bear in mind that no data for MSFT will appear until 9.30 EST so there will be nothing to see until then unless you have downloaded backdata. To help you I am attaching the data for MSFT for yesterday.


Save the file to a suitable location then do the following:

1) Click on "Symbol Portfolio" tab
2) Click on "File" and select "Import Data" then select "GlobalServer Format"
3) Browse to where you have saved the file etc

Now open up TS2000i and see if anything appears ?

Are the times times entered for the symbol correct e.g correct exchange times and correct time zone?
mokwit said:
Are the times times entered for the symbol correct e.g correct exchange times and correct time zone?

I am unsure what you mean by this ? The times can be adjusted in TS2000i but the data will always appear in the same time as the exchange but the chart should appear as attached.



  • MSFT.jpg
    57.5 KB · Views: 244
Not quite sure what you mean either :cheesy: , but I remember having a problem where ES would not plot other than during US exchange hours (i.e not in Asian day which is US after hours) - he is using with Us tickers so it may not plot in chart until US market is the 'day' session.
Unsloved Global Server Error

Trader333 said:
Globalserver looks fine, bear in mind that no data for MSFT will appear until 9.30 EST so there will be nothing to see until then unless you have downloaded backdata. To help you I am attaching the data for MSFT for yesterday.


Save the file to a suitable location then do the following:

1) Click on "Symbol Portfolio" tab
2) Click on "File" and select "Import Data" then select "GlobalServer Format"
3) Browse to where you have saved the file etc

Now open up TS2000i and see if anything appears ?


I followed step 1 to 3, right after I browsed it this is what happened


Then when I clicked "OK", I got through and then this screen appears

I've tried to input 1 Jan 06 - 22 Mar 06 like this

eventually it started importing but....

Did I do anthing incorrectly ?
Let me try again...

I followed step 1 to 3, right after I browsed it this is what happened


Then when I clicked "OK", I got through and then this screen appears
I've tried to input 1 Jan 06 - 22 Mar 06 like this


eventually it started importing but....

The message about subserver is because I use Hyperserver however it should still import the data. Have you tried double clicking on MSFT in the Symbol Portfolio tab and then clicking on "edit data" then "load" to see if any data has appeared ? Also did you connect MSFT in realtime yesterday to see if data was being received ?

I presume that you have subscribed to US Stocks as part of your data subscription package ?

Do you get bthis subserver does not exist error message every time? It means that you have the wrong selection (check it is the one I mentioned), also it can happen when you uninstall e.g hyperserver and don't switch to the correct selection on installing e.g Metaserver