Trading with point and figure

20530 the low...we marked 20540 approx 2 days ago on our roadmap
decent bounce from 20530 aswell
excellent results
posted Wednesday at 8.56am


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change inputs
a fast move up and a slow grind downwards
area marked if 20550 area fails


  • Screen Shot 03-25-17 at 03.44 PM.GIF
    Screen Shot 03-25-17 at 03.44 PM.GIF
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tech is supposed to be the lead
needs to pop 5400 to keep all other index bullish
5170 seems to be a cunfluence/green horizontal on left side of chart
approx 4% away
lets see what happens
all about Trump confidence...imho
could be
dax and ftse should obey the lead..??

if our supp area holds...could quite easily go to 1.2700/lilac horizontal

gonna be bumpy with article 50 looming


  • Screen Shot 03-26-17 at 06.00 PM.GIF
    Screen Shot 03-26-17 at 06.00 PM.GIF
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Yep, market has finally woken up to the chances of Trump getting any significant tax reforms done is pretty slim and it isn't happy.

USD/JPY is getting battered and SPX and DJIA has been very closely correlated with it for a while now.
Dax - 12k was a former support level so looking for a retest of that. Otherwise some support at around the 11910 level.

DJIA - Some resistance up at the 20520-30 level, support around 20400. But it looks like a volatile week ahead.