Trading with point and figure

if supp holds and it turns and breaks 21K,,,it activates a new upside count to 21240 area/21200 first

bulls really need to hold 20800 area...20805 seems to be a magic number on an hourly close
lets see what happens

ftse and dax should go with it
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good investment strategy


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mornin folks
all well..??
got the Monday blues..??
We will shake them off for you with some pips in your account
index....the story so far....its all about holding support
especially the Dow...hourly close below 20800 puts the chart posted into a bearish signal
ftse and dax to follow
20.8K rez on bounce...really turns it nasty
Morning dentist.
DST is now in effect in the states so Wall St trading hours are 13.30-20.00 UK time
You get up an hour earlier but then there's an hour extra drinking time. I believe that's what they call swings and roundabouts.

Personally think this week has all the potential for some sharp down moves. We've had a big run up on the back of Trump and once people realise he won't be able to get much through Congress we'll retrace that move and a bit more. Add in US rate rises and the Germans pushing for an end to QE and the stock market looks very toppy.