Trading with point and figure

areas for a swing trade/short

we have tested 2145 area and pulled back
the higher rez is the sweet spot
it needs to get into 2160 area for a decent bull test
2145 to 2152 is intermed rez area
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swing short
we want to see it pump into 2145-2152 first...then it should pullback
bulls will be happy if they see 2132 or above as supp
then wait till it takes out 2152 and goes into 2160 area
the real sweetie should be there
lets see what happens
dax should pump to 10600 ..then pullback
the sweetie is in 10675 area and above
as per chart posted
dow..swing short from 18500 area..and above
better if 18538 area
needs to break 18400 and get into that wide horizontal area we marked on the chart
18560 area should be the real sweet spot ..if you can get it
amendment to dax
we are in intermed rez now/red trendline break
higher rez area marked

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dow in rez
18500 area
we want tyo get it a bit higher..if poss
a fabulous run far on all index
we are there
6940 ftse
10656 dax
lets see if we get a decent signal
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stopped out
excellent few
retest the top,,,maybe
and poss re-tank
gotta milk it
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milking it...excellent
scalps in and out of our rez areas
as we said it would test and poss retest rez