Trading with point and figure

I've raised my stop to +5 so I can pretend to have made a profit today whatever happens. Looking at the PA I feel that we may yet get the 4975 I was muttering about unless the US numbers are really waaay off.
OK. Nearly there. Numbers out. No panic... yet 🙂 Dax flirting with 12900, the jezebel. 12910/15 will be my 4975 on the Cac. 4965 atm. ...can I be bothered to wait??
After a fairly good run of Day Job work, I've now come to a dry spell...or maybe it's a wet patch. Anyway, the thing is that I now have time on my hands and urge trade more...and if that isn't a good reason not to trade at all then I'm Greek, so it's μακριά! from me and my first of the day.

Short Cac from 4870 - I wanted 75 but it didn't quite get there.
TPs 50/25/00 ish but could hang on for more if it looks weaker than I'm expecting.

On the larger box (for the Cac) at 10 it seems to me that there's an area between 4775 and 4875 that's going to stick around for a while - at least until there's some more "guidance" from the US or the Dax decides finally that it truly has a life of its own.
Frog PMI was OK but the greater EU context doesn't look too good and we've already had a bit of a retrace from last week's low so I'm looking for it get softer - not necessarily today but I would like to be out for the weekend.

Chart is 10x4. Am now looking at 2.5 x 3 and below in real time.
Stops +5

Thought about taking the 50 TP and dithered when it got to 34 odd, thinking that it might carry on down to 25. There might be some more action around 10am when the other EU numbers come out but the French new car reg stats are usually an excuse for a lurch.
Chart is 2.5 x 3

This is going suspiciously well😛

Now around 4815

Down to my second TP of 25 but am still in and have moved stops further itm at +20 (the 50 level)

After some more dithering I've just taken a third off at 4816 for +54. ...

Got stopped out for +20 per the remaining 2 Cac shorts but reversed on one and got a few extra on that. Now flat but I've been eyeing EG as well .... not tempted either way as I believe it to be in the middle of a range atm. I don't see it falling much below that first support at .9070 and .9150 ish seems a reasonable rez for the present:

Chart is 5 x 3

Morning campers!

Am leaving the emojis to DF as I feel I just don't have his panache.

Anyway, on to today's shambles. After yesterday's blunders (which could have turned out a lot worse) I'm now long the Cac at 4775 - and yes, I know I was far too early but it may still reward me for my incompetence.

Though it's Friday and yesterday's softness seems softer still, I don't see the bottom falling out of anything very much. The uncertainty of the US election results and now the uncertainty of there being an election (...or there being a Trump, for that matter) just seems to be adding to the general excitement, rather than a consensus of any kind. Meanwhile, in Euro land things continue to be as clear as mud - the 10 o'clock numbers will probably confirm a lack of confirmation so I'm not expecting fireworks and will be leaving those kind of festivities to our friends across the pond - I gather there have been quite a few displays to celebrate the glad tidings coming out of the White House.

All that said, it is Friday and so I'm just long x 1 at 4775 TP 4825. Not a serious day for me and will probably clear off early for the w/e.

Chart is 4 x 3
Hmmm. Curaçao and curaçao....

Seems if 4800 is today's TP limit. Out at 4799 +24.
Might look for a short a tad above 4800, say 4805 to 4815.
Chart is 2 x 3
Missed my short on the Cac. Distracted by cat. In between the vet and missed trades the little ****er costs a fortune.

EG has fallen through my support of yesterday at .9070 odd and imho is due for some kind of bounce - the way things are looking chez Canta atm it might well be a dead or injured cat.

Long at .9050 TP .9100 ish...ideally between .9105 and .9120

Missed my short on the Cac. Distracted by cat. In between the vet and missed trades the little ****er costs a fortune.

EG has fallen through my support of yesterday at .9070 odd and imho is due for some kind of bounce - the way things are looking chez Canta atm it might well be a dead or injured cat.

Long at .9050 TP .9100 ish...ideally between .9105 and .9120

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2nd time around just ditched my EG at .9071 +21.
That's all for me folks.
Good w/e to all. 🙂
You can see that 4850 area is rez.....Dots stop there
latest movement is up
supp is 4760-4800.The 4800 is trend supp/where a 45 deg trendline would have been


DF, you woz dead on with 4850 but that didn't do me much good as that's where it opened. Still, I see 4875 as an oppo for a modest short.

I had a sell order in at 4875 ...which besides being a "25" step also happens to be the 50%ish retrace from the mid-September high; as I'd held on too long for my entries more than a couple of times last week I jumped the gun a bit and sold at market at 4870 and then the 75 got triggered too. So I'm currently short x 2 at an av 4872.5 with a common TP of 4825...we've already been down to the low 40s and now rising so I might wimp out earlier.

The European numbers weren't a real surprise and I'm thinking the ones later on will be more or less the focus back on to whether Trump is positively positive that he's positive and how long/soon it will be until there's a vaccine. Lots of reasons for things to get punted up and down. Incidentally CV's Friday evening call was also triple darts parlance only🙂

Chart is 5 x 3

DF, you woz dead on with 4850 but that didn't do me much good as that's where it opened. Still, I see 4875 as an oppo for a modest short.

I had a sell order in at 4875 ...which besides being a "25" step also happens to be the 50%ish retrace from the mid-September high; as I'd held on too long for my entries more than a couple of times last week I jumped the gun a bit and sold at market at 4870 and then the 75 got triggered too. So I'm currently short x 2 at an av 4872.5 with a common TP of 4825...we've already been down to the low 40s and now rising so I might wimp out earlier.

The European numbers weren't a real surprise and I'm thinking the ones later on will be more or less the focus back on to whether Trump is positively positive that he's positive and how long/soon it will be until there's a vaccine. Lots of reasons for things to get punted up and down. Incidentally CV's Friday evening call was also triple darts parlance only🙂

Chart is 5 x 3
View attachment 288722
Cut and run 4850 +22🙁