Trading with point and figure

trends show on tick
....and yes, I should have taken the 25pips on off at 4950 but got distracted so will probably be taking a 25th instead🙄
Hmm...13h15c and we're around 4950 and (à ma grande surprise) I didn't get laundered.

I've raised my stop to +5 so I can pretend to have made a profit today whatever happens. Looking at the PA I feel that we may yet get the 4975 I was muttering about unless the US numbers are really waaay off. Anyway, the weekend approaches and I'm just about past caring and I'll be out sharpish.
....and a grand merci to Dentist for the mt4 tick stuff. I've tried a couple but I'm running mt4 under Linux and quite a few indicators won't come out to play...including the v1.1 version I just tried.