Trading with point and figure

Excellent call Canta
Yu did not want me to choke on my Hob Nobs

I sincerely hope that "Hob Nobs" is not a euphemism for something that might embarrass me.... I'm looking foolish enough as it is having mis-managed my last CAC trade from yesterday, leaving 40 pips lying on the table as well as not buying in at 5800 just now. As it is I took a Cac-handed long at 5820 and am out for vengeance and 70+ on the chart😱

...and as for the Dax, 150 ain't 170+ but I live in hope...or maybe fear...I can never quite make up my mind.
"Sadly Farcical" eh? ...he could be talking about Brexit, or my current Cac, which got to 68 before going into cardiac arrest. I insist on my 50 pips otherwise I'm not playing any more😡
............. long at 5820 and am out for vengeance and 70+ on the chart😱

...and as for the Dax, 150 ain't 170+ but I live in hope...or maybe fear...I can never quite make up my mind.
.................current Cac, which got to 68 before going into cardiac arrest. I insist on my 50 pips otherwise I'm not playing any more😡

Finally got my +50 on LO at 5870 and I see the Dax has just made it to 175. Hob Nobs all round😊

That's me done for the day and week.

Be seeing some of youse at tomorrow's shindig I hope.