Next Traders Day


Will be at the Red Lion, Hatfield, Herts on Saturday 23rd October. Cost will be £30 which includes a £5 donation to charity.

For those not familiar with the event - Traders Days are usually held twice a year and are organised by Helen Quenet (helenqu). The day is not-for-profit and consists of a number of volunteers speakers talking about different aspects of trading. To get a flavour for the day, please have a look at pictures taken from the Traders Day back in Jan 2003 here: I went to the one earlier this year which had the highest turnout so far at a very nice venue (same as the one for Oct). All in all a great day out, with the option to stay on afterwards for a meal and drinks. There's always a good turnout of T2W members, so a good chance to meet some of the personalities on the site, including myself.

If anyone wants to present a talk on the day, then I know Helen could do with a couple more speakers still. Otherwise if you'd like to attend and are not on the mailing list already, please email Helen at [email protected]
Hi all,
Those of you who are debating whether to offer to present or not please do offer. They don't have to be major inputs, could be 15 mins on a trade that taught you something or describing a trade set up you find helpful in a particular market. The only stipulation is that it is related to trading and not "How to keep Ferrets" or "What I did on my holidays" (Unless you went to Alex Elders Traders Camp and want to tell us all about it!).
Fellow herts Newbie

Hi helen,

Just saw you from herts so Im giving you a buzz. Im from St Albans Myself.

Really seeking some advice and inspiration from you. I am a recent graduate and have a seat in a trading arcade in london. Completely new to this, and embark on my training next week. Hopefully will be a steep learning curve and I will start making money soon. I am not dissillusioned though, and realise it will be hard work atthe start.

May I ask how long have you been trading. What success have you had. What are your sentiments on trading arcades. Do you trade alone at home?

Even if I wanted to set up at home, wouldnt know where to begin, in terms of software, charting etc etc. Hopefully I will learn all of this in my training. My ambition is to stay with the company, honour my contract, get some exposure to the industry, then possibly wrk from home, or if Im happy at the workplace then i will indeed stay on for as long as I see fit.

I have no real commitments in life (still at my parents house) and have surplus capital that Im prepared to invest in myself. (Rather loose my own money than have someone else loose it for me).

Im commited to this arena and just wanted to know what you think. Perhaps you could advise or even show me your set up one of these days?

Anyway apologies for the long essay. Look forward to hearing from you soon.


Hi Shiv,

What a lot of questions! 🙂
I've been trading on a part time basis for five years. As I have a young family, my trading time is limited and I've been working too. I now trade at home between 9 and 3pm. I've traded UK stocks, futures (ESXT50, SMI, Bund, BOBL) and currently I'm trading mostly US stocks. I'm very risk averse and haven't actually lost any money over this time but haven't made a lot either. Over the past few months I've had my best ever period and I'm up 44% on amount risked in 5 months, that is on US trades only and I'm happy with that performance. For US trades I'm using a modified Elder triple screen and for the futures trades I use a modified Woodies CCI set up.
For data I use e-Signal, TC2000(EOD) and AIQ (EOD UK) and I'm very happy with that mix.

I know nothing about trading arcades but in principle if you get a chance to learn with other peoples money then that is great 🙂 I love being my own boss, I love working from home, I go to the gym for an hour in the morning, come back select my stocks, do a bit of housework and then set up my trades. It's a wonderful work/life balance and I couldn't/didn't get that in paid employment 🙂

I wish I had known about trading at your age 🙂 Go for it!

All the best.
Helenqu said:
I'm using a modified Elder triple screen and for the futures trades I use a modified Woodies CCI set up.

Helen, could you just expand on exactly what a 'modified Elder triple' and a 'Woodies CCI' are please?

BTW - Sounds like you've got the work/fun (is trading work?) balance about right for you.
Trading is definately fun and work combined 🙂

If you look at this presentation from the last Traders Day you'll see the CCI system that I use. You'll need to have Powerpoint to view this:

If you don't have it then this thread will give you it as well:;action=display;num=1053873852

The Triple Screen is described by Alex Elder in his first book "Trading for a Living". Basically what I do is use various scans on TC2000 to find candidates then look at their weekly and daily charts to decide if they are tradeable or not, I then enter on a 10 min chart. I normally hold for several hours to two days but I do prefer not to leave open positons overnight if I can avoid it. I use SSFs and stocks for the US market.

We are digressing a bit on this thread!

Quick update on the traders day for those of you not on the mailing list.

Speakers and subjects so far (more welcome)

Alan Rich - Trading the NASDAQ
Richard Skerrett - "Buy and Ignore"
Gareth Bevan - A Year of Trying to Trade for a Living
Dave Baker - System Development. SDK :The System Developer Kit's Role in Trading
Richard Longley/Nadina Wallis - Trading and Taxation
Mark Williams - Spread Trading
Helen Quenet - Sports Arbitrage Trading
Duard Mosley - The financial tenets of Benjamin Franklin
Mike Newman - FTSE100 Options Trading

If you would like the link to the booking form please e-mail me

[email protected]

Bookings going well so far 18 places taken out of the 60.
Just a reminder to anyone else who would like to attend that I need the booking forms and cheques back by the end of September. I won't be doing any late bookings this time as people have the habit of saying they want to come and then not turning up which costs me (personally) money.