Trading Issues With Macbook?

Cuddy im really trying to make it work, but when i get to this page i try and download by clicking on part 1 i presume? And it simply downloads a but file full of symbols like this crap -----> NÑ$&*(£ what am i supposed to do?


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Did you try and get a copy of XP?
You don't have to run it inside a wrapper, you could set up a dual boot system.
That gives you the option of booting XP or OSX at bootup.

Having said that, dual boot is reliant on disk partitioning.
Partition magic was ideal for the job, but is now discontinued.
Google it to find out how to do it now - think it is more of a PITA now.
LV i decided against dual booting as i need to use my Mac apps for work, and dual boot can overload the CPU from what i have heard... so was not going to use that, a few people have said that VMWare Fusion is top, was struggling to get it downloaded but after a 40 minute call to USA its done, they were very helpful, i now have the VFMware Fusion fully on my computer, now he said i need to grab windows still to run any apps inside it? But the good part is that i don't need to do dual boot or take much energy from the CPU to run it from here...

So effectively its just an app that i click on and to access MT4 i would use that as the browser and it will work fine... I was under the assumption that i'd not need to buy windows just to run windows based apps but he says that you do, tbh i could do with Outlook express anyway and Excel so i'll just grab a copy of XP

Only issue is that im in spain so i'll have to order a copy online, or go on a hunt for it...

Anyway im happier now i finally have a definite option,

Who else uses VMWare Fusion? Any good?
You don't seem keen on the idea of dual boot, I can guarantee you its doesn't increase CPU load. Running another OS within a wrapper from OSX will increase CPU load though...
I ran a dual boot for 6 years up til 2006, I had no more need of it then.
Probably not the best choice if you need OSX and XP apps at same time...
Well i've got VMware Fusion now, so its not such an issue tbh

(if it works that is) ha
Still really struggling to get this sorted, wine bottler simply won't finish when i start to make a prefix... it stope 1/2 way through... so annoying, and don't want to have windows fully loaded as it can overload the CPU... what to do :/

Tried virtual box too and that does not work

I see you've bitten the bullet and bought Fusion. Unfortunately I couldn't really offer help with your download issue as I didn't really know what I was doing when i downloaded mine and suspect a rather large dollop of luck was involved in getting it all set up. Thankfully it was fairly straight forward.

Anyway good luck with your solution. RD
runningdeer.. thanks mate, its sorted now, im in spain at the min so mu next hurdle is to get my paws on a UK version of XP and im gtg... shouldn't be a big issue, Fusion were very helpful, they talked me through the whole thing on the phone and i know exactly what to do now 👍

Time time to start getting in to Forex :clover:
Your best option is to run it under Wine because it's an application layer and doesn't have the system hit of running in a virtual machine, it runs pretty much perfectly under Wine. Running in a VM really slows things up , especially if you're running a few custom indis and looking and, say 7 or 8 charts.

If it's anything like under Linux on a Mac there's a couple of things you need to do in the terminal to get it to work - needed DLLs and fonts. You'll need Winetricks installed first, then install the DLLs and fonts. It's all detailed at WineHQ how to do it.
I have a Mac , I asked the idiots at proquote if the software would run on a mac, for them to tell me "yes"
What they failed to tell me is I'd need Bootcamp (or equivalent) and Windows - another £150... wonderful!
I'm currently using a ProBook running 10.6.6 and if you'd like to use MetaTrader4, it is possible. Here's my own experience.

I've downloaded WineBottler, (go to WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X or WineBottler - Run Windows Programs directly on OS X ) .I believe they are the same thing. It's a free application that runs Windows applications without turning your mac into a windows computer. That's all to techie for me, but you can get the info. from the site. When you download it you will find MetaTrader4 as one of the pre-installed prefixes (their word for applications).

I'm no expert, I got this through trial and error. The only other alternative would be to buy Parallels and Windows 7 and run that on your mac.

It's worked fine for me. Hope this helps.



I went to the winehq website, then download and was confronted with the attached image- where on earth did you start? which is the correct package to download for a mac running lion?



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vmware fusion

Ok so now im trying to get a decent platform like MT4 for forex trading and it seems that all the good ones are not compatible with mac... do any of you guys have macs? If so what platforms are compatible... Cheers


hi get this and run windows on your mac but i would say you would be better with at least 8 gig ram,i have and it runs fine,i installed windows7 and xp,you can install all the vm machines you want apart from taking up
I do not like PCs. Even though there are certain tasks better suited to them, I just use Parallels 10 and/or Boot Camp. It allows me run both without the huge mess of the Windows OS. Additionally, there are so many more viruses written for PCs. The constant need for antivirus software like Symantec and McAfee drives me crazy.

P.S. Symantec and McAfee are American companies. :clap:
I use 'crossover' to run MT4 on Mac. it works fine most of the time
I don't think so. it makes certain window programmes work on Mac. my mac is open and working as usual but when I click on MT4 crossover kicks in and makes it happen
I don't think so. it makes certain window programmes work on Mac. my mac is open and working as usual but when I click on MT4 crossover kicks in and makes it happen

I think a virtual machine like Parallels would work better. If you don't want to run Mac and Windows simultaneously then Bootcamp would be even better and is the most stable.
I think a virtual machine like Parallels would work better. If you don't want to run Mac and Windows simultaneously then Bootcamp would be even better and is the most stable.

4 years later I still run Parallel on my MacBook - there upgrade policy is annoying and expensive - so I can't upgrade to Yosemite but as a back up matching it works really well
4 years later I still run Parallel on my MacBook - there upgrade policy is annoying and expensive - so I can't upgrade to Yosemite but as a back up matching it works really well

It is only $79 in the US. Upgrading to Yosemite shouldn't cause a problem with Parallels.