cfd level 2 platforms that work on a MAC


I am a PC junkie and have no desire to convert ( famous last words :cheesy🙂 how ever a friend of mine is looking for a Level 2 platform that will work on a MAC. The platform i used L2 dealer is PC compatible only so is no good, anyone know of any others that are?

cheers guys

I have been told that if you use a programme called Boot Camp, you can access Windows based programme's and thereby be able to trade on the L2 dealer.
Also, you can purchase Windows and load it on to your Mac, which may be a more expensive way around, but that will guarantee that your friend can use the trading platform.
I have been told that if you use a programme called Boot Camp, you can access Windows based programme's and thereby be able to trade on the L2 dealer.
Also, you can purchase Windows and load it on to your Mac, which may be a more expensive way around, but that will guarantee that your friend can use the trading platform.

cheers for your reply Bob, do you know if Bootcamp is free or if you have to buy it? and is it reliable?

I haven't asked my friend about putting Windows on his mac but will suggest the idea to him. thank you
Hi eagletower,

I am not sure if Boot Camp is free or not. If you friend has the 'Leopard' operating system, then it comes with it, otherwise he may have to buy Leopard.

not sure what operating system he has will send this thread to him, once again thanks for your help 👍
boot camp is free to download or comes with the new leopard operating system. it is very easy to install by just folling the boot camp instructions.
hi eagletower

you can use WMwareFusion to access Windows on your mac. I think you have to pay for this program.
thanks for your replies guys, have forwarded on your recommendations 👍 ( damn hippy arty MAC users- just kiddin)