Trading is game like ...

Trading is like

  • Medal of honor warfighter

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  • Poker game

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  • Command & conquer

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  • Need for speed racing

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Well-known member
Say I would write a new (arcade) computer game and everything you do and see underneath is trading the real markets. How should this game look like?

I give an example.

Trading is like driving a (sports/suv/tank) car and you must go from A to B as quickly and safe as possible.

You have your setup places like the image below.


For a car to drive you need:
your car = broker
chauffeur = you
opponent chauffeurs = other traders (in other cars)
steer left = go short
steer right = go long
breaks = exit
gaspedal = enter
the road = trading instrument with a price and volume overlay
A to B = money per minute/day/month
time = time left before end of session
obstacles on the road like falling trees = news events/earnings results

The purpose of the game is to drive from A to B as safeley and quickly as possible. This is also the goal of the other players, so they will try to fake you or steer you of the road. Some opponents have a bigger car/truck and can drive you off the road with ease.

I have to work this out further, but I hope you guys get the point.

My goal is to design a game/simulation where you can learn to view the markets with a different perspective.

Hope to hear from you!
robocop, you did nice comparison between trading and game. However some traders compare it with gambling.
Hide n Seek, the money from your account hides and you'll never find it ever again no matter what number you count up to.
....running around naked and pretending your a Child of the Fantasy Forests .....

no? 😛