Your aiming to small Spanish.
I'd recommend you open a DA account and go with the Nikkei instead. Better still, buy oil, that won't go under $100 for a while 😉
Oil is what i normally like to trade, and ive been doing alot of research about it.
And i am intending on trading like this with oil when i have enough capital...,
however i simply just have nowhere near enough liquid cash to use as the capital to cover the spread i would want on oil ($75 is where i would want stoploss).
For now however i am more than happy to earn maybe even just £30 per week profit.
And for those of you who are going on and on about how 'risky' i am making it, please just read my post, then read it again, and again,and again, and then get a dictionary and read!!
Im 'buying out the entire market' with my stoploss for a reason!!
So that the only way my stoploss can actually be hit is if the entire UK stock market and economy is completely wiped out and worth nothing!!
And so i then will have the freedom to not get panicy if the market falls, even huge giant fall, because i will still have upto 4months for it to recover even if it does fall, and then still make profit.
Sorry if i sound rude, im normally such a calm amicable ncie friendly guy..., shadowninja can even vouch for that personally.
Its just i thought city traders are meant to be the top academic minds in the country, yet so many of the people here seem to be completely unable to read, lack any common sense or logic skills, and yet are just bigheaded and pompous, just full of hot air!!