Firstly, welcome back. I for one have missed your exuberance, for which you should be commended.
However, there are a few things I feel you ought to know before you go about your latest scheme.
1) It won't work.
Taking a long term view on an index is fine; investing in a long term index is fine; but in this case you must think carefully about how much being right is going to be worth. You are making the trade (more like a bet) that, given enough time, the FTSE will push through your entry and begin to show you a profit, and you are probaby right.
BUT, given your circumstances, using your capital to back this trade is going to cost you overall. The interest that you are earning on your tied up capital will be a pittance (and I bet that your SB firm will charge you a fortune in you move into -ve balance). The value of 1GBP per point isn't going to be inflation linked - so the longer you leave the bet on, the less "value" it has in real money. And given your 3000pip stop loss, it only really makes sense to make the trade if you hold it until you are +3000 pips in profit - god knows how long this could take! You must also be sure you have the discipline to let the trade run, a question you should answer very honestly. What I'm trying to say is, that even if you are right about the direction of the FTSE, playing it in this way is never going to work out for a profit.
There are other ways to play it though; If you've got some spare cash, and you want to make a long term trade (invest) in the FTSE, pop along to your bank and ask about an ISA. Then you have to pick out which shares/unit trusts etc... (your bank will probably have something which tracks the FTSE very closely) you would like your money to be invested in - you can even leave some in Cash to earn a stonking rate of interest. Your money will be safer, still tax free, protected against inflation and earning more interest. If you want to make a long term play, this is the way to go.
Having said all that, the best thing to do is none of the above. The MOST PROFITABLE thing you can do will be to pay off your credit cards. No matter how you use the cash you're looking to trade, you won't be able to make up for the interest that your CC company are charging you. Being a trader means that sometimes you have to take some punishment, but you crack on nonetheless. Spanish, this is one of those situations. be serious, cut your (not insignificant) losses, and pay off the debts. Don't think of this as quitting though mate; Right now you have to find out what is going to be more valuable in the future and make that trade. That trade is to Pay off your debts. [fixed income traders do this all day long - calculate the present value of future cash flows (adjust for IR volatilities, credit risk and so on) and pick the one with the most profit / least cost.]
2) Spanish, you really have to ask yourself if you are cut out for this mate. You have already lost 2k and rising (maybe more) from scalping through an SB firm, which, frankly, is ridiculous. How much more are you prepared to lose before you knock it on the head? Is this only going to be an (expensive) hobby of yours, or do you seriously intend to make a living out of this sh!t?? There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a flutter on the Dow, but there is something wrong about thinking it will make you rich overnight.
You have demonstrated to us all that you are ambitious to make a successful trader out of yourself. But being ambitious and having the diligence and capability to do what is required are two totally seperate things. Before you start punting XXpp on whatever, you should prove to yourself that you have got what it takes; the drive, the discipline; the smarts; everything. There are plenty of resources available, in books and on the web, covering all things glamorous in trading - it is the unglamorous stuff you should test yourself at before you start putting more money on the line. I'm sure others will disagree, but IMO a good place to start (as good as any) would be:
*An A level maths textbook;
*an A level Economics textbook;
*A recommended book on Technical Analysis
*Using the Financial Pages (or whatever)
*Excel for finance / dummies (delete as appropriate)
read them until you understand. Answer the textbook questions until you get them right. If you can do the above, move on to paper trading again and "step up" the level of books you read. Do this until you can see why your current (hair brained) scheme is silly, and you have the building blocks of a strategy to trade the markets.
3) Spanish, you seem to change direction more frequently than the wind. Furthermore, I am with prop, infact I think "muppet" is generous. Ditch your ebay scams, get a job and do the bloody work. Either that or quit while you are ahead (??) - It is not that I am trying to discourage you, but someone has to say that - so far - it seems very unlikely you have the skills to succeed in this profession; not yet, anyway.