Trading from your mobile phone?

so been to phones4u, orange and vodafone retail stores. There is no phone (palm or otherwise) on the market that can display a chat and streaming quotes like you could get on a computer. There is however such a phone coming out in January, he said it was a nokia n900 i think. It will be the first of its kind and i will definately be trying it out. It has the 'full web browser experience'. The impression i got is that there will be no mini java and flash applications. It will just be like a normal web browser you would get on a laptop or pc.

Thought now that id got answers for my own question id share it about in case any1 else was curious.
mmmm....I tried to trade with the mobile version from Metatrader. With the application itself is nothing wrong. All work good as it should be but i simple dont like to work with little screen.
so been to phones4u, orange and vodafone retail stores. There is no phone (palm or otherwise) on the market that can display a chat and streaming quotes like you could get on a computer. There is however such a phone coming out in January, he said it was a nokia n900 i think. It will be the first of its kind and i will definately be trying it out. It has the 'full web browser experience'. The impression i got is that there will be no mini java and flash applications. It will just be like a normal web browser you would get on a laptop or pc.

Thought now that id got answers for my own question id share it about in case any1 else was curious.

Dude the Touch Pro 2 has live streaming chartss on metatrader.
Gumping where did you dload MT4 for HTC phone ? ..I have HTC hero android phone

Dude my phone has Windows Mobile, which Metatrader is compatible with. I know nothing about Android.

I downloaded it from the Alpari website, but I wouldn't advise you do that before finding out if it is compatible.
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