Spread Betting via Mobile Phone?


Junior member
Good evening all, (newbie here).

I'm starting spread betting with a Partymarkets account, small stakes, but hey, we've all got to start somewhere!

Due to work commitments, I will be (hopefully) using a mobile phone with web browsing for placing many trades and (ahem,how can I put this), I'm a complete novice / luddite with mobiles.

Any advice on the best or most economical mobiles on the market?

Many thanks.
Hi, when it comes to trading you are talking about serious money so I suggest you find the best mobile not the most economical one. the iphone is unmistakably the best for web browsing and if one day you decide to trade with IG or City Index, you can use their iphone app to trade.

I wouldn't personally trade on mobile - it limits the information you can process at the time of execution, hence encourages you to trade on impulses.

Good luck!
pazazu, professional, high frequency traders devote their entire and constant attention to the markets in front of proper hardware setups. (ie, often they'll have 4 screeens minimum). to be honest, from what you've said, dabbling as an uninformed novice on a mobile phone seems like a very easy way to lose lots of money! good luck, but my advice is to nip the idea in the bud and don't start!!
Thanks jak672 (not).

Your pomposity knows no bounds and I'm afraid you just sound like an arrogant prick.

I've just read a few more of your posts,you seem to be so far up your own **** that you can clean the inside of your hat.

I just wanted a bit of advice, not a lecture.

Who said anything about doing it professionally?

Who said anything about high-frequency trading?
I have a T-Mobile touch which is a largeish screen Windows mobile phone. IG Index do a free java app which runs on the phone, and I find it pretty reliable and easy for checking positions and prices. I have used it to close positions, and less so to open them.
Thanks Xeno, just the sort of reply I was hoping for. I'll check one out. Cheers!
pazuzu, jak672 is giving you some good advice but because its not what you want to hear you took it as an insult, basically he's just saying be very careful, its so easy to lose lots of money in this game
To be fair, I don't think he took it as an insult - more a lecture, and it was a bit presumptious. On a web forum people really need to make less assumptions about people they don't know. Nothing in the OP was an indication of trading ability, strategy or style other than being a newbie. Nothing about high frequency trading. For all we know he's been reading books for a year and will be trading with information to hand. Some people are denied access to broker websites at work. It's not going to be a big problem for a hold 2 weeks strategy.

I'm a professional trader, with some high frequency strategies. I have two screens. Shock horror etc..
i just thought pazuzu's response was quite rude, starting out in trading with a mobile at work sounds to me like a recipe for disaster, i know about disasters because i've had a few, particularly when i started out...
Yeah, I guess he was pretty angry. Like I said about a web forum....

A mobile may not be ideal, but it's not necessarily a recipe for disaster. Didn't do me any harm, since I was discretionary trading medium term.

Statistically, starting out in trading is a recipe for disaster.