Trading Forex - New member

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Since this will never make it to my to do list as i really do not care about it, i will pass. Have a great trading future.

How about an assurance from you as well that you have never paid ForexHusky for anything?

Or got it free because you are a moderator or some such.
Kiwi said:
It will be interesting fatman 🙂

Just to be absolutely clear about ForexHusky. It has been my suspicion that his invitations to chat to him off line will lead to an invitation to buy or, worse still, lease you a set of indicators/strategies/whatever that might or might not be called Mojo.

Can you assure us that you haven't been solicited once chatting?
Have you purchased mojo (or whatever it is) and if so how much?
Have you leased/rented/etc mojo (or whatever it is) and if so how much?

Thanks in anticipation 🙂


Kiwi, sorry for the latness in replying, been away for the weekend.

Mate it is true, I have not been solicited at all, I am writing this of my own free will, for one simple fact, that Husky actually does help. If he did not help me I would not be writing this as I would be examining other ways to trade, of which there are thousands as we all know, I have no need to write this as I get nothing for doing so, I just really do want to let you guys know that he does help.

Why? I am not sure, some people are just like it I guess, he spends time in his chat room, helping people with questions in regards to trading andd also to the systems he uses to trade. And he has helped me a lot, not just with his ways of trading, but with also just basic help.

In regards to Mojo, I have opened a trading account with a broker, not sure if I can name brokers on this thread or not, and as a result I receive the systems for nicks.

But the systems can be used with other trading desks, Husky, please correct me if I am wrong in saying this.

If you do want to make contact go to his website, contact him via his yahoo messenger, or send me a private message. Does not bother me if you do have questions or not, and does not bother me if you make contact or not, I reckon it is your loss, not mine.

And Tzachi, I think it was, I am sure that if you made contact with Kiwi or myself that you would see that I am not Husky, but an Aussie, Kiwiw would understand this as I am sure that you or Husky would have no idead who Joey Johns is and what RFL is either. Also I have been posting at M******c for some time and still do and only came over here recently, yes, but to try to help other newbies as well. I have been trading for 18 months, up and down and all around with my accounts, and only now am I starting to see that I can actually make some $$$ in this game, and thats all it really is, a game of bulls and bears.

And Kiwi, GO THE BLUES!!!!!!!!!!! :cheesy:

Cheers to all.
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Sales Pitch

Kiwi said:
It will be interesting fatman 🙂

Just to be absolutely clear about ForexHusky. It has been my suspicion that his invitations to chat to him off line will lead to an invitation to buy or, worse still, lease you a set of indicators/strategies/whatever that might or might not be called Mojo.

Can you assure us that you haven't been solicited once chatting?
Have you purchased mojo (or whatever it is) and if so how much?
Have you leased/rented/etc mojo (or whatever it is) and if so how much?

Thanks in anticipation 🙂


Its true, huskies' chat rooms are nothing but a sales pitch, I have sat in many chat sessions only to be discouraged. He claims to be helping traders for free, but in reality it is an elaborate infomercial via messenger , mainly to sell MOJO for$120 a month.

If you want to receive his signals for "free", that too comes with a premium. He basically wants you to sign up with an account with the market maker of his choice under him and give him 50% of the monthly profits from his calls. That seems pretty steep.

I have yet once to see any type of mentoring or a live "training" session involving his "products" for free, which he claims to offer intially. Thats the bait.

You are better off saving you $$ , , there is no "black box" software program for trading. Take the time to educate yourself in technical anaylsis, fundemantals etc.... Quite looking for the Holy Grail, quite looking for a GURU, there is none!!!!

Discipline your self to learn the fundemantals of trading and money mangement and you will succeed. All you need is 15 minutes(or more) a day of study, do that for a year, and you just might become an expert!

Thats my opinion!
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Thanks for exposing FOREXHUSKY to all here that may make a mistake and believe in free lunch for new traders......

Hello, Here are my 2 cents.
I got introduced to forex by 4xmade easy. I returned my product in the 30 days trial, after that I really got interested in forex, so I started to read all I could trying to learn as much as posible. I understand that you must find a system that feels comfortable to your trading style, but there is so much information out there that a newbie like me gets really confused after a while, I dont even considered my self a average trader, not even close. Then I found Forexhusky chatroom, this is a guy that will answer your trading questions regardless of your level of trading knowledge. You guys may scream and kick about him helping but the truth of the matter is how many of you will actually say on this forum that you will help someone one on one?. Yes , you may answer questions posted here at your convinience and only if you feel like it, but to commit to a chat room? I didnt think so!!. The impresion that I have is that you guys are extremely good traders, if so what is your problem?, is it jealousy or envy? who knows!. or some of you master traders would be so kind to share your system with us and to explain until I understand exactly why you enter and exit at any particular trade, once again I didnt think so. We are not little kids, We can take care of ourselfs, You guys say that we need to learn all by ourselfs without help, well thank you very much!!! Forexhusky has charged me nothing, nada. I encourage all newbies to drop by to the chatroom and ask your questions, you will see that it is for free.
thank you.
Hi Bougie,

I note that he would have charged you if you had continued with the product. I also note that my sandgroper friend Fatman is charged indirectly by way of the brokerage structure ... and is getting ready for the psychological damage of losing a State of Origin series 🙂

The issue is simple:
- ForexHusky came in here as a "new member" with no stated commercial intent but did that thing we often see by "bait" posters --- put up a few charts and said how well the system was going.
- he then implied strongly that he wasn't in the taking money off fellow traders game "neil lol charge for what??"

but he was and is. So hes really being a bit deceptive.

- and finally (from me anyway) he has a bunch of new posters come in and say how wonderful he is.

Now this site has a policy that if you want to advertise you pay for it. The site also tends to ban spammers (those who advertise and don't want to pay). So thats the T2W issue -- FH is drumming up business while claiming to just offer help.

My personal issue --- I HATE spam with a passion and I dislike deception in this trading business.

On the help thing - I have helped people 1 on 1 and I have done it in the chat environment. I don't do it intensely because it affects my trading - which is my living - and I don't object to people doing it for money. All I object to is the deception.

So no problem with FH as a persona, as a helper, as someone selling a system using various strategies. But its time to be honest.
And that why is came here, at moneytec its became known so there are no more fish in the ocean that may bit...
Lets made things straight here:

HELP IN CHAT ROOMS AND MY HOURS SPEND WITH PEOPLE ARE FREE(i answer all kind off questions from basics to techn analys. all what you need you can ask)

No one needs mojo system you can find 1000000 indincators in internet for free youst follow rules include in system.

And all of positives are good people with i help and im still helping them..many more will come here coz this is my new space.(many of them never before hear about t2w community so they are new here show some respect to others if you cant show to me 🙁 .
if you dont need any help you dont need read this posts.
Im not talking about mojo no more here coz i dont like how some people take this to heart(im sure will good pay by someone "S" lol)-same people still same argue,nothing new.

And one more thing TECHTRADER post bunch of shi.. and complete false noone pay for accounts profits what a bull.... prove it or be gone,and im sure you are very succ trader study 15min daily lolol,show me how you live...i can show all of you who im and how i live.

Talking is cheap for you gentelmans you can be for me even one and same person.

If admin will be so nice and keep my thread here you wills ee whit time positives willbe 50-1,and all of those people can give you numbers from all around the world.

OK, The rules are clear ... Go for it ... Show us you're OK

There's no need to bring in lots of people to make positive comments FH. The issues are now on the table and you have promised not to promote Mojo --- which I take to mean you won't try to suck people off this board and into your chat room either. So no mojo, no "if u don't talk to me in the chat room, ur lazy" bxshxt.

Keep it on this board and keep it free of commercials and you'll get no further criticism from me.

So lets see some questions (here) and help and answers (here).

Best wishes for that activity.
Below are rules with are respected by ForexHusky as a person posting in this community:

6.4 You may use the Service only for your own use, and you shall not use the Site to advertise or sell any products or services.

6.5 All copyright and other intellectual property rights in written material and photographs supplied by you and published on the Site belongs to you. You agree that by providing content to Trade2Win you are granting Trade2Win permission to use that material on and in relation to this Site in connection with our ordinary business activities.

Nowhere abowe you will find my website name or sell offer or even email to me ,was already moderated by admins,with i respect,if i will decide advertise here my web or my system for sure i will contact admins and pay for banner.
Mario K.
techtrader2X said:
Its true, huskies' chat rooms are nothing but a sales pitch, I have sat in many chat sessions only to be discouraged. He claims to be helping traders for free, but in reality it is an elaborate infomercial via messenger , mainly to sell MOJO for$120 a month.

If you want to receive his signals for "free", that too comes with a premium. He basically wants you to sign up with an account with the market maker of his choice under him and give him 50% of the monthly profits from his calls. That seems pretty steep.

I have yet once to see any type of mentoring or a live "training" session involving his "products" for free, which he claims to offer intially. Thats the bait.

You are better off saving you $$ , , there is no "black box" software program for trading. Take the time to educate yourself in technical anaylsis, fundemantals etc.... Quite looking for the Holy Grail, quite looking for a GURU, there is none!!!!

Discipline your self to learn the fundemantals of trading and money mangement and you will succeed. All you need is 15 minutes(or more) a day of study, do that for a year, and you just might become an expert!

Thats my opinion!

* He is certainly helping me for free, you have obviously not asked any questions in regards to support and resistance and fibs etc, as answered all my questions no problems.

* 50% of the monthly profits, well you know you are just spinning s*** there. That is just a crock!

* 15 minutes a day to learn to trade??? What, are you 80 years old, man if I could learn to trade by studying just 15 minutes a day, I should be a billionaire by now. I spend more than that each day and I love to get help from people to see ideas and their systems of trading, it has helped me to get a clear mind and set way to trade. Rather than just jumping from one way to another, as a lot of us new traders do.
Kiwi said:
Hi Bougie,

I note that he would have charged you if you had continued with the product. I also note that my sandgroper friend Fatman is charged indirectly by way of the brokerage structure ... and is getting ready for the psychological damage of losing a State of Origin series 🙂

- and finally (from me anyway) he has a bunch of new posters come in and say how wonderful he is.

My personal issue --- I HATE spam with a passion and I dislike deception in this trading business.

So no problem with FH as a persona, as a helper, as someone selling a system using various strategies. But its time to be honest.

* Hey Kiwi, there is not an ounce of sandgroper in me mate, LOL, pure 100% blues/ waratahs!!!!

No psychological damage will be inflicted, especially if Buderus is fit and healthy!! 😀

* Yep I realise that I may be charged indirectly. Well I wont be charged, it will come as a cut of the spread of each trade. Dont know, dont care really. As it is still a regular spread etc, and would rather give the $$ to a person who is really interested in helping me to make it as a trader, than someone who is just interested in taking my $$$ from the spread and not caring if I win or lose after that.

* Yep I am a new poster here, never even heard of Trade2Win before Late May, hence why I signed up in June, you will see if you visit M******c that I have been there since early in the year, but thats understandable to doubt people who sign up in June and all spruking for Husky, only reason I do it is that I believe that other new traders can be helped like I have been.

* I hate spam and deception too with a passion, have been caught by shonky people before thru trading, NEVER again. I AM ALWAYS sceptical to start with, as I was with Husky on M******c, but no longer as he has definetly proved his worth to me via help and mentoring etc..

So like i have said before, makes no difference to me if you go and chat to Husky, but could nake a big difference to you. While he is helping me, I am becoming a better trader, and slowly starting to increase my account etc.

Cheers all.

GO THE BLUES!!!!!!! 😆 😆
Fatman said:
* He is certainly helping me for free, you have obviously not asked any questions in regards to support and resistance and fibs etc, as answered all my questions no problems.

* 50% of the monthly profits, well you know you are just spinning s*** there. That is just a crock!

* 15 minutes a day to learn to trade??? What, are you 80 years old, man if I could learn to trade by studying just 15 minutes a day, I should be a billionaire by now. I spend more than that each day and I love to get help from people to see ideas and their systems of trading, it has helped me to get a clear mind and set way to trade. Rather than just jumping from one way to another, as a lot of us new traders do.

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Why dont we asked that T2W moderator will get in here .. Please see Techtrader2x post on page 5 - Getting kickback from the broker that you send your people to trade with after they get your "FREE" system is not FREE. Paying 120$ a month is not FREE, .

I thing that T2W should look into it to clear the subject for all members.
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50% or not? you decide

identity obsucred for obvious reasons

xxxxxxxxxx (12:04:06 AM): if we open a GAIN acct wit you, do we have to give you 50% of profits on a monthly basis? xxxxxxxx(name witheld) seems to think this is the case
forexhusky (12:04:31 AM): depends from size of account
forexhusky (12:04:37 AM): i think its damm fair
forexhusky (12:04:43 AM): you made i mad
forexhusky (12:04:44 AM): e
xxxxxxxxxx (12:05:13 AM): but arent you collecting pip spread on trades made thru GAIN?
forexhusky (12:05:30 AM): man how much??
forexhusky (12:05:35 AM): its no money
forexhusky (12:05:44 AM): 0.50% of 1pip
forexhusky (12:05:59 AM): if someone got 5k account i made 40$ monthly
forexhusky (12:06:04 AM): its stupid for me
forexhusky (12:06:17 AM): coz now in this momenth i made 500$ in 3min
forexhusky (12:08:35 AM): xxxxx what is your plan??
forexhusky (12:08:39 AM): what u want to do?
xxxxxxxxxx (12:09:25 AM): I am considering the VIP option
forexhusky (12:10:32 AM): xxxxxxxx betwen US
forexhusky (12:10:40 AM): its the best option
forexhusky (12:10:46 AM): coz you will made money
forexhusky (12:11:03 AM): on your own trades im sure not
forexhusky (12:11:15 AM): maybe in future when we put lots of work
forexhusky (12:12:10 AM): you got all vip info?
xxxxxxxxxx (12:12:14 AM): yep
xxxxxxxxxx (12:12:54 AM): is there somtheing stipulated in that contract that you will take monthly profits of 50%?
xxxxxxxxxx(12:13:05 AM): im not seeing it
forexhusky (12:15:08 AM): no
forexhusky (12:15:18 AM): all is betwen us
forexhusky (12:15:29 AM): if you are ok with me im ok with you
forexhusky (12:15:38 AM): i dont want money from top xxxxx
forexhusky (12:15:51 AM): just you close month on profits
forexhusky (12:15:56 AM): send me check
forexhusky (12:16:07 AM): coz you out money i put work
forexhusky (12:16:13 AM): its not fair for you??
xxxxxxxxxx (12:16:48 AM): just trying to understand and make sure I have all the facts straight b4 I make a final decision
xxxxxxxxxx (12:17:09 AM): any room for the fee to be neogatited lower?
forexhusky (12:17:31 AM): how big account you wanna open?
xxxxxxxxxx (12:19:46 AM): $2500, min for now
forexhusky (12:20:37 AM): see
forexhusky (12:21:06 AM): thats the point if i put only on gain i got 20$ lol man is iven not funny
forexhusky (12:21:07 AM): lolol
xxxxxxxxxx (12:21:18 AM): ?
forexhusky (12:21:42 AM): xxxxxxx open gain with 2.5k
forexhusky (12:21:54 AM): and trade my recomm i will prove you im good
forexhusky (12:22:03 AM): dont worry about pay me now
forexhusky (12:22:10 AM): i dont care
forexhusky (12:22:34 AM): its funny money for me but i understand you,will made profits we talk
forexhusky (12:22:35 AM): ok?
xxxxxxxxxx (12:23:44 AM): yes, how do you trust someone who is a VIP that has an acctt at another broker? do you then cahrge a monthly fee?
forexhusky (12:24:32 AM): depends from people
xxxxxxxxx (12:24:34 AM): is there a trial if you register a demo acct?
forexhusky (12:24:50 AM): some want to pay monthly fee some want to give me %
forexhusky (12:25:00 AM): all depends from what you got in heart
xxxxxxxxxx (12:25:46 AM): dude, I dont expect you to work for charity, I just want to get the facts straight
forexhusky (12:26:23 AM): so hats fact
forexhusky (12:26:35 AM): i prefer % for me
forexhusky (12:27:10 AM): but fee is ok
forexhusky (12:27:26 AM): man you will stop care when you start made money
forexhusky (12:27:41 AM): its your money your account you may dont give me nothing
xxxxxxxxxx (12:29:12 AM): I will think it over
xxxxxxxxxx (12:29:37 AM): 50% seems alot, not to mention the tax bite of about 15% too
forexhusky (12:46:47 AM): sorry i lose internet
xxxxxxxxxx (12:46:54 AM): its ok
forexhusky (12:47:18 AM): if you need me ask
forexhusky (12:47:22 AM): im off to trades
xxxxxxxxxx (12:47:30 AM): k
xxxxxxxxxx (12:47:32 AM): thx
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😆l its just makin me sick when losers ague about money.

People no one wants you.
Others are making 380pips in 2 days and dont argue,and most of them dont use mojo just my pivot theory,with is writen if file in one of posts abowe.

People stop posting here ,you are not traders.Just argue all the time,go to U.S senat if you like argue :cheesy:

Who cares if someone pays for something if this is making money.I dont advertise here,there was now world abowe where to go and how much pay all advertising is thanks to you guys.
You shoot prices,talking about mojo i dont do this its your job.So your posts should be deleted lol.
All negs from now are on IGNORE.

I wanna talk about pivot zone strategy,and show people how to trade this,to draw pivots you can use milions free softwares in internet.

below 2 screenshoots how smart"not argue people " made 380pips on 4 majors in 2 days by swing positions after pivot zone is break,im sure you will find pivot calculators after put this in google,some people are using also P.Bain pivot calculator with is fine to me all are giving similar results.
(Green lines are entry points,red lines are current profit protections,the only one trade with i enter to late 2 days ago is jpy,all charts are 15min time frame).
Rules are simple and i give this theory to all in my zip file in one of the posts abowe)
All good to you real traders.


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