Trading for a living.


Hi, who here on T2W trades Eminis, or any other financial instrument for that matter for a living? What methods are you using?

There seems to be a lot of threads asking about specific courses, methodologies etc, only to get mixed answers. 😕

I read a post saying don't pay for courses, you can ask people on T2W for the answers. So I'd like to start a thread where people can describe what they trade, how they trade, how they manage their trades and how long they have been trading successfully?...Basically anything that constitutes to their successfull trading career.

Thanks in advance, im sure many people will find this helpfull. 🙂
I actually bought a trading system for US stocks when i was new, i wouldn't buy any more systems however fortunately the system has been working very well for me and i've been gaining around £700 a week using it. However i'm also learning to day-trade the FTSE100 chart with a £500 account using pure technical analysis. Trendlines, Fibonacci, Pivot lines, support and resistance, price patterns.

The system i use is just easy but since i'm interested in trading i do other things as well and am really enjoying it. I manage my trades by setting a target and walking away, if it reaches it, great success, if not doesn't matter. Because i win more than 50% and on average win 2% on a 1% risk so its inevitable that i gain money (SO FAR!) I've been trading succesfully 6 months now.

I hope this helps, feel free to pm me any questions

Good luck

-Halo x