Trading for a Living

just think about it from another viewpoint. you want to be a professional GAMBLER (Trader). no different to a professional poker player or a professional Blackjack player. NO DIFFERENT.

A very adamant conclusion there, adv. You have, through your own processes of reasoning and logic, employed an incontrovertible universal fact (albeit a simple one) - if A=B then, well, A=B - and conjoined it with subjective interpretation - Definition Of "Gambler"=Definition of "Trader." You have obviously interpreted (and now define) the two words in a similar manner. But I contend: Is it difficult to imagine we, every one of us, maintain our own definitions of the two words?

Risking money in the hope of making money is a characteristic both gambling and trading share alike, but congruities in isolated characteristics do not invariably foster equality.

Proven edge?

Define "proven".
Define "edge".

I think "proven" is related to one's account, and "edge" refers to the system responsible.

I think the concept of proven edge are pure folly. "Edges" I'm afraid come and go.

What about Knowledge? Does Knowledge come and go? I think the very essence of "knowledge" is encoded with permanence . . . Knowledge is the confirmation of a constant ensconced in a system of "being."

WE are systems of being. The Market is a system of being as well and it adapts in order to serve its best interest, which is survival.

We have adapted to our environment(s) for millions of years, and while we are not exactly the same as we have always been (just like the Market, re: breakout 30 yrs ago vs. today) there remains the fundamental equation that defines the process of adaptability in and of itself, a mechanical process which is applied every "instant," whose presence is so very crucial that if it were to cease, the entire system would die.