Ever heard the saying 'once bitten, twice shy'?
Ever heard the saying 'once bitten, twice shy'?
so what have you got to lose, wont cost you anything to make some enquiries and do some DD.
Did Dan used to be part of a service called fx500 I was looking for a mentor/tutor, not any longer though as I've been warned off of them.
Thanks, I was doing a search and found fx121 and then searched google and found the defunct fx500. The hard slog is the only way foward I guess.
you want to be a pro day trader?
go to piptastic web site-get everything he has,its so cheap.
I promise you,you master everything and join the live room,you will be able to average 10-20 pips easy everyday.
The advise I have given you above is worth XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Someone helped me,so I try and help.Good luck
What do you class as "ridiculous monthly sums"?
Even free of charge is ridiculous if you are being taught complete crap. There are probably some well meaning individuals, but ultimately they probably do more harm than good.
it either goes up or down, and recognising when its going up, or down, and acting on it is all there is to it really.
I reckon they just want signals really, perhaps two or three trades per week, 2 winners 1loser? What's that worth, 50 dollars a month?
depends on the size of the winners and the size of the loser 😆
I'm not really sure if its just signals they want, surely part of the attraction is hanging out in cyberspace with likeminded individuals and talking bollox.
Agreed, just curious as to what folk think is a reasonable price for mentoring etc..
IMHO trading rooms are pointless, far better to send out swing alerts with key levels etc. In a systemic way. I'm convinced most don't want to learn how to trade, we both know it takes at least two years full time to become proficient let alone profitable, I reckon they just want signals really, perhaps two or three trades per week, 2 winners 1loser? What's that worth, 50 dollars a month?
I see your enforced holiday didn't last long, dick head..