Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

""This is my guarantee for all subscribers, firstly have a risk free trial for 7 days, then when you have banked some profits join my monthly service and only pay for results!

If any month I do not make you at least 100pips profit I will refund that months subscription, I can't be any fairer than that!

I know a lot of people have been burnt in the past and I have often been asked for a trial of my service so as I have nothing to hide and will stick behind my results I can offer a free trial to all and give you the satisfaction of knowing that If I can not make you a profit then you will receive your subscription back.

So you only pay when you are profiting, this will give you all confidence to stick with me and give me the added motivation to make sure I deliver results!""

Where did you get that from TS??

EDIT - ....just realised...thread pollution!!
Anyway - back to the real issue! How is our Welsh guru doing at the moment? Are his followers still reaping the benefits of Auto Trading?

But, if you are referring to my post above I was only quoting what somebody else had written on this thread. Thought they were referring to TEC, but then realised it was BOSS. Hence the pollution comment.

I do have sites. The only FX related one is my own blog, but I have taken that offline at the moment
oh, i thought this could be him - guess i was wrong (post p210)
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Hello evry1. i would love to hear of any news from TEC, has it gone under. No surprise if it has, his guessing game could only last for so long.
If you Google Trading Elite now and click on this is the message on the Home page!

The club is full and no memberships are available. Membership is now only available through referal from existing members therefore this site is now closed.

Any existing members on here available to bring us ex members up to date?
If you Google Trading Elite now and click on this is the message on the Home page!

The club is full and no memberships are available. Membership is now only available through referal from existing members therefore this site is now closed.

Any existing members on here available to bring us ex members up to date?


Looks like Crappa C crapped out. What a chump.
Paps and his dawgs were starting to move the market so he had to close the doors.


Ive never used this service but have found the thread hilarious......
Looks like the only clients he has left is the big banks and a bunch of hedge funds! lol
As an ex-member of TEC I throught I would post someting postive, sadly not about TEC.

I already trade the shorter t/fs but have like many of us come to realise that

1) do i really want to trade M5 for rest of my life
2) longer timeframes are where i want to be

I will admit I have struggled with the long t/fs and looked for some help. I am now a member of the following service and have been very impressed over the last few weeks.

There are plenty of positives with the service, main one being it does actually deliver, and another big bonus is that you can trade this around work as many of the members do.

If you are looking to made a second income, or improve your trading I dont think you will be dissapointed.

