My there are several vindictive and vicious people on this forum. From trying to spread malicious rumours to trying to illegally get into our servers. What is wrong with you people - is it pure jealousy that TEC might be on to a winner and you are not involved or is this what normally happens on forums. If it all goes pear shaped it will be on our own shoulders and we will bite the bullet but we don't need the endless carping and derogatory comments. Your behaviour displays rank bad manners and really shows you in a poor light.
Vindictive & vicious? How about factual & accurate?
Malicious Rumours? Please point me towards these as all I've seen are factual statements!
Trying to enter 'your' servers illegally? When? Have you any proof of that or is it yet another case of delusion?
Jealousy? Of TEC? Now you ARE having a laugh!
Your behaviour portrays a delusional character, well done 👍
It' also interesting to see that you feel the need to re-ignite this thread when it was all dying down, well done for that also 👍