trading during war


I hate to think of a war with Iran, but it seems likely. It will be catastrophic globally. Obviously, currency trading will still go on and I suspect currency trading may be a better place than in the stock market.

What are other's thoughts on currency trading should a war with Iran commence?
I hate to think of a war with Iran, but it seems likely. It will be catastrophic globally. Obviously, currency trading will still go on and I suspect currency trading may be a better place than in the stock market.

What are other's thoughts on currency trading should a war with Iran commence?
Think of OIL. Hopefully the war will be swift, the regime will be completely destroyed, these islamic nutters will return to their respective boxes and we can get back to the days of the Shah and free for all OIL.
Regretably the USA is absolutely hopeless at foreign policy, as shown over the recent decades. They are now bankrupt after Iraq, Afghanistan etc. and have nothing to show for all the blood and money they have spent. What's worse is that Blair & now Cameron have wasted billions that Europe can't afford supporting them !!

The crux of USA foreign policy has been over the last 50 years to support Israel against the moslems. They ignore the fact that Israel stole most of the land they now claim as theirs. The US is dominated by the Jewish lobby + money so it's not surprising.

Iraq had the strongest army in the Middle East. Now that they are defeated, it is only Iran to go. The attack is expected this summer. There has been much time for the Iranians to prepare. So one can't rule out atomic bombs hidden in Western cities etc.
Looks familiar ?


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A serious war between the west and any major foreign power(s) will bring momentous volatility through reaction to unforeseeable events, price binges not well predicted by TA. Could be a time for guerilla trading, with dispersed small parcels of funds deployed to raid whichever instrument is moving fastest, with tight initial stops, then trailed close behind winning positions. In the early stages, reaction will be key, there will be little time for analysis or position development. No doubt brokers and TV commentators will be screaming that we should all buy Defence equities, sell Airlines, and accumulate Oil majors for the long-term - but they won't have a clue what to do and, anyway, when have they not being saying these things?

Overall, short-term trading for the agile private trader will continue, just with a brisker pace and arguably a little less exposure to the markets for the duration.

This would be a good time (peacetime) to re-read Sun T'zu.
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Think of OIL. Hopefully the war will be swift, the regime will be completely destroyed, these islamic nutters will return to their respective boxes and we can get back to the days of the Shah and free for all OIL.

swift. completely destroyed. nutters back in their boxes.

yep. exactly the thoughts that go through my mind when thinking about that other victorious campaign - Iraq.
swift. completely destroyed. nutters back in their boxes.

yep. exactly the thoughts that go through my mind when thinking about that other victorious campaign - Iraq.

Absolutely. The region will just explode again. The US will once again be able to completely control the OIL market. You don't hear much about Iraqi OIL nowdays.:LOL:
So I would think then that there will still be money to be made in forex trading, if one has already been a successful trader. But trades would have to be in and out quickly, I would think.

As for stocks, i would think every single one will plummet and then maybe gold and oil stocks will bounce back.

hard to say.
My thoughts,

Spike up in oil, could be massive. Risk off and a rally in the Dollar. Equities down as a result. Extremes defined by what unfolds. Lots of volatility on a daily basis along the way.
Wow, no1 is going to comment on this. I mean the rest of the post was awful but...pretty much sums up why no1 uses this site anymore.

It's actually the subject of a book by two noted scholars in the discipline of international politics, John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. Mearsheimer and Walt are political realists. It's probably not a book you need to buy unless you are doing a degree in the subject.

It is fair to point out it's not called a Jewish lobby. I think the standard view is it's a political, not religious, project.
BTW who says there is definitely going to be a war? If Libya and Syria is evidence of a pattern there may be an attempt to instigated regime change in Iran without any overt military action. Called salami tactics.
Anybody who thinks Iran will be another Iraq needs to think again.
If the West takes on Iran, it will pretty well put the last nail in the coffin of the West as we know it.
America would need another president even more stupid than Bush to even contemplate it.
BTW who says there is definitely going to be a war? If Libya and Syria is evidence of a pattern there may be an attempt to instigated regime change in Iran without any overt military action. Called salami tactics.

There is not going to be a regime change in Iran. I say there will be a war because the nuclear talks are set for failure and US and Israel are posturing for war soon.
Anybody who thinks Iran will be another Iraq needs to think again.
If the West takes on Iran, it will pretty well put the last nail in the coffin of the West as we know it.
America would need another president even more stupid than Bush to even contemplate it.

Agreed - Iran is NOT Iraq. And a strike on Iran means global war and probably the use of nuclear weapons. Israel is on the record as saying they only expect 300 Israeli dead. So they think they can strike Iran and everything will be not too bad. When they actually think they can succeed by striking Iran........well - there you go. And the US will be involved....and Russia.... Every country on earth will be involved. This is not a good situ and will be catastrophic.
Agreed - Iran is NOT Iraq. And a strike on Iran means global war and probably the use of nuclear weapons. Israel is on the record as saying they only expect 300 Israeli dead.
This is Israeli posturing and bravado. Considering that Hezbollah can stick it up Israel, I'd say Iran could do it in spades.
Wow, no1 is going to comment on this. I mean the rest of the post was awful but...pretty much sums up why no1 uses this site anymore.

The real eye opener is that capitalism isn't to's the Jews who are responsible for everything!
If we were to mention the old adage of " biting the hand that feeds them"
Just look at North Korea showing off their latest balistic missile, only weeks after accepting Western food aid !!

Be afraid folks - they are not nice people !!

Just more sickies that waste their country's money on repression and WMDs
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If we were to mention the old adage of " biting the hand that feeds them"
Just look at North Korea showing off their latest balistic missile, only weeks after accepting Western food aid !!

Be afraid folks - they are not nice people !!

There is a dim-witted moron in another thread saying that Capitalism has clearly failed, yet it is a country with a highly centralized command economy that needs food aid :!: