"Trading Day by Day" by Chick Goslin

I have never heard so much positive feed back about any book since I have been on T2W.

Needless to say I have ordered my copy. Only my second book on trading!

Thanks to all for such a good review.

Have gotta say I was gonna order the book from Chicks website but the security certificate is invallid. A litle off-putting. Also Global Investor does not have any copies - 'they are on order' ......
The General,
He will fix the security certificate. However, you may call him directly. Just tell him I sent you. You can talk with him and make sure you want to order. (619) 294-3879 . He is La Jolla, California. They are on Pacific Standard Time. But he will pick up and he is good guy. As I stated before, these book clubs are trying to get books from someone in the states. That will not work very well. Chick published the book himself so he would not have to put up with the "get rich quick" style marketing of the trading book publishers.

Cheers and enjoy the book I told him to get the security certificate fixed pronto and I am sure he will inform his Tech people to do that immediately. But feel free to call.


Thanks for that. You seem to be a very keen advocate of the book. Your real names not Chick is it !? ;-)
The General,

HHEhehhehehe. LOL. No. I am not Chick Goslin! I am a professional trader in the states. The book is that good tho. For 10 years I always refused when asked to recommend a trading book. This book is one to recommend---it is the only book I have ever recommended.

Chick and I have used the same indicators for years. He simplified his approach to simply Concurrent signals about 5 years back (these are in the book). He showed it to me and this made a HUGE difference to me as well. Since success with this approach can be duplicated and I know that every trader will benefit from something in the book. I feel only obligated to comment on the book. That's all. I have no financial connection to Chick Goslin --absolutely none. There are no ulterior motives.

You are asking the questions I would be asking! On a trading board, you never know!

"Also Global Investor does not have any copies - 'they are on order' ......"

Wow! Their stock has depleted fast.

I only ordered my copy on Sunday from them!!
TGM said:
Chick published the book himself
This actually speaks rather highly of him: I must say he did a much better job with it all round than most commercial publishers normally do with trading books.

He cannot stand the trading publishing industry (nor can I). He wanted control of everything. The problem with Global is that they (as stated before) are buying from someone in the states that bought a block of books from Chick. Chick did not know that they would be letting other folks like Global resell them (no offence --as I am sure global are good folks). If I were you and if you want the book. Order from Chick. All these groups are buying from that Traders Press block of books. When it is gone. It is gone. I imagine they will be able to buy the book from Chick as a wholesaler. However, they will most likely have to offer his price by the time he gets done with it. Only fare, If it were my book, I would not want wholesalers undercutting me. He thought the people he sold the block of books to in the states were going to sell the book to their customers and NOT wholesale it to people and let them sell at a cheaper price.
I phoned Global Investor today and she checked with the supplier in the States for me, she expects to receive them by Friday this week and dispatch them early next week.
I think the book price is actually slightly more from Global etc...the saving is in the shipping from US v p+p from UK , so I don't think anyone really is undercutting Chick.
You are right. I did not mean to imply that Global is undercutting anybody. However, there are secondary groups in the US (and abroad) that are undercutting. Global is giving the TradersPress price. Which is the same as Chick's. Not trying to nickle and dime.

I understand completely when it comes to shipping costs. I believe that is why Chick wholesaled it to TradersPress to begin with. I personally do not care who anyone buys it from. I was just trying to give everyone heads up in case of an extended delay. I know Chick is going to change some things about who he distributes it to for resale and the how.

I'm sure the book is great, it certainly sounds so but if you're not Chick then you sure sound like a Chick clone because you not only seem to know everything about him but you also seem to know exactly how he thinks and exactly what his next move is going to be etc...........

Perhaps your name is Mrs Goslin.........
anley said:

I'm sure the book is great, it certainly sounds so but if you're not Chick then you sure sound like a Chick clone because you not only seem to know everything about him but you also seem to know exactly how he thinks and exactly what his next move is going to be etc...........

Perhaps your name is Mrs Goslin.........

Hehehehe. Yeah, I talk to him a few times a week. But I am not Mrs. Goslin. LOL. The book speaks for itself. However, I make no apologies. If you made a ton of money off of the concepts in the book. You would be shouting at the top of your lungs as well. I know of several traders now that have had their trading turned around by these concepts. Mr Chick just put them into an easy to handle format. Thats all. I say no more. :cheesy: U Brits kill me Mr Anley.

TGM said:
Hehehehe. Yeah, I talk to him a few times a week. But I am not Mrs. Goslin. LOL. The book speaks for itself. However, I make no apologies. If you made a ton of money off of the concepts in the book. You would be shouting at the top of your lungs as well. I know of several traders now that have had their trading turned around by these concepts. Mr Chick just put them into an easy to handle format. Thats all. I say no more. :cheesy: U Brits kill me Mr Anley.

Are back test results available ? That would be a good thing to see this method bactested before anyone try to trade it . I am sure you or Chick tested it before trading it .
I am not a systematic trader. Chick Goslin is not a systematic trader. The one type of trader who may not like the book would be someone looking for a system. You will get ideas that can be put into a system. But this book was not written for these type of traders.

With that said, I do have models so to speak. All based on concepts presented in this book as well as a few tricks I have learned. These are being built into systems for me. I am using them to show me where to buy and sell across a broad array of markets very quickly. I am only interesting in it from a stand point of diversification. Especially, in forex and a couple other markets. However, nothing for show or sale.
Just done a quick search on the ''other side'' (ET).

Very little on there about Chick's book - one criticism is that the methods rely heavily on proprietary indicators which you can access by subscribing to SMR in USA.

I have never seen the book myself and wondered whether anyone that had could comment upon whether or not this is the case. If some parts of the book do require these indicators is the part of the book that doesn't still worth having??

Wouldn't it be a shame if this were a convoluted (but quite clever) method of securing subscriptions to a very expensive newsletter. . . . .

I hope it aint so. . anyone?
