"Trading Day by Day" by Chick Goslin

tradesmart said:
Forget the coloured dots man, it’s an obvious W-bottom with positive divergence on the squiggly oscillator at the bottom…..

Did he put that in the book…….?

If so it might be worth £80........ 😉

😆 same old patterns at the same old levels with the same old confirmers.....simple is as simple does.
Trader333 said:
Roberto, Why have you ordered this from the US at a cost of $80 (£44) ( (including postage), when you could have got it the next day for £42 including postage from the UK ?
Because I didn't know that, Paul. I'm not too bothered about a small price difference, but would much have preferred to get it the next day, certainly. However, I did get an email from them late last night confirming that they had sent it, so maybe the delay won't be quite as bad as I thought.
Buk said:
😆 same old patterns at the same old levels with the same old confirmers.....simple is as simple does.


The 3 line method is very simple. The best thing about the book is the methods for taking profits at percentages of margin. As well as how to use your 2nd line correctly. Most methods of bottom picking etc. are not duplicable to a degree of success from one trader to another. I have been around a while and was on trading desks for way too long. This is the only thing I have seen traders succeed with. It does not matter what indicators they are using. If the method is too complicated. They fold under pressure.

Most books go out of the way to give us cliches. This book actually gives a trader the entry the exit and a successful author they can question.

😉 sure thing....don't get me wrong, I'm not p***** all over the author/book - as I have no direct exp/knowledge of the contents etc......

if folks find the content/info useful, then all good & well.....no-one's beyond a little learning & improvement, was just passing a smiley comment to Tradesmarts observation of the pattern mate!!.....sometimes the easiest & most obvious things are staring us plum in the face 😀

good stuff.....I'm sure it's an interesting read!
Roberto said:
I did get an email from them late last night confirming that they had sent it, so maybe the delay won't be quite as bad as I thought.
... and, astonishingly, it has in fact already turned up. And I won't even have time to open it for another couple of days, probably ...

Did u feel comfortable ordering from Chick's website when the payment security certificate had expired ?
The General said:
Roberto, Did u feel comfortable ordering from Chick's website when the payment security certificate had expired ?
No. I didn't order from the website. I called their office late on Friday night (mid-afternoon there) to see how they sounded, and ordered over the phone.
Roberto said:
... and, astonishingly, it has in fact already turned up. And I won't even have time to open it for another couple of days, probably ...

thats pretty quick for the US postal service!

In all seriousness, would you say that the info in the book has helped you a lot ? And in what ways ?
I've bought and read a LOT of books on trading over the years, and I'm always keen to learn more. I have about 70 trading books in my library and you can read a lot of my reviews on amazon good and bad on what i've read.

This book stood out as different initially because I could see from the first few pages that there was no flannel or waffle and as I got further into the book Chicks simple analysis of what works in the market and why makes perfect sense.

One of the first few things he underscores is that "We trade only price. We do not trade information. We do not trade knowledge (of the asset being traded). Nor do we trade computing power or expertise. We do not trade anything at all other than price: ie: the number. Therefore since the only factor that counts in this game is the price, it is only smart to focus all, or almost all, our attention on this number on the pice and its movement; in other words, what the price has done in the past and is doing in the present. Approach the game/business of trading in this manner - an up down number game where the focus is on what the price does and not why - and you will be on the right path to succss as a trade"

simple theory, but a conclusion I had already reached beforehand having myself experienced "indicator overload" from exploring numerous analysis techniques in the past. So this idea rang true immediately.

He then goes on to analyse what works and what doesnt in terms of probabilities of success vs reward. A quote I particularly liked was in the section about what Chick calls the "laws or trading" where he analyses the odds of trading with a trend vs trying to pick a top or bottom in the sense that a "$1000 profit earned by buying the exact low is not worth a penny more than a $1000 profit earned by buying the middle of an established uptrend, even though the former is much more difficult than the latter." he goes on to say "Since a price with clearly established momentum and trend (ie: a pattern of continuity) is more likely to cntinue its current direction rather than change and if the payoff is the same whether you trade with this higher probability or against it, then obviously the intelligent action is to trade on the expectation of continuation rather than change.

Trading with clearly established momentum and trend is twice smart: first, the probability of success is greater - better odds, and second the payoff is better than the actual probability - better risk/reward"

All sounds perfectly sensible? you bet. I rate this book so highly because Chick analysises everything very logically right from the introduction where he considers trading vs investing, an overview of risk vs reward and the odds/risk/reward of any particular trade, his basic rules for trading and then a detailed breakdown of each of the things he considers in his setups and how he uses these in his trading for entries and exits.

Also covers numerous detailed analysis of example trades from a variety of different markets and his points of entry and exit along with a commentary of what he did and why.

Very useful for me as far as formulating a trading plan and trading as a business. He even includes examples of when he makes "mistake" trades and how to handles them.

I think I already said that Chick is a position trader, whereas I am a scalper. The stuff in the book clearly formulated a lot of the ideas I was already working around - the principles are good for any type of trader.

Chick doesnt even use a computer, although you have already seen his rules computerised. This method works equally as well for me on 100tick charts as it does on daily bars for chick, although I have a few of my own flavour of trading rules in there too, I am essentially following Chicks plan.

What more can I say? its a big book, very difficult to touch on everything it covers.
MartinD said:
Chick doesnt even use a computer, although you have already seen his rules computerised. .

Hi Martin,

Thanks for drawing our attention to this book and for your summary of it. I've ordered a copy and am looking forward to reading it.

Can you just explain what you mean by your statement that I've copied above. Where have we seen his rules computerised ?



Chick still uses paper charts and updates them by hand. He uses good ole fashioned SMR charts (www.smr.com). He gets his quotes off of CNBC. He is an old school position trader. I use the lines both intraday and for longer positions. They work on anything that moves and on any timeframe.
ivorm said:
Hi Martin,

Thanks for drawing our attention to this book and for your summary of it. I've ordered a copy and am looking forward to reading it.

Can you just explain what you mean by your statement that I've copied above. Where have we seen his rules computerised ?


I meant with regards to the chart I posted earlier with the indicators chick discusses in the book
The General said:
Roberto, Would be interested in your opinions on the book old mate......
Will post something approaching a bijou reviewette in due course, mon Generale. For the moment, suffice it to say that I'm _extremely_ impressed by the first 12 pages, so much so that I've decided to give myself a complete day off all trading and any other work tomorrow to read the rest.

I've decided to give myself a complete day off all trading and any other work tomorrow to read the rest.

There are 375 fairly large pages in this book and you are a better man than I if you are able to read and take in all of this is one day. Do you have speed reading capabilities ? 🙂
