Trading Courses etc


Junior member
I have been around the trading field for about 3 years i havent done alot of trading despite having accounts with a few SB'S and having a sharebuilder account.I am so fed up with hearing negatives about trading.The reason the courses like stanzione and winters do so well is because people want information in clear concise positive messages!Like you can make this much just follow me!!
the problem is that most of it is so vague that when u try to copy this vagueness u get stuck!What i am currenlyt doing is using all the knowledge i have accumalated to make my own ideas and try them out from very simple methodologies to more complicated ones!!I do believe with sound practice and good money mangement u can make money otherwise i wouldnt be spending my time trying but what holds most people back is scare mongering and not a clear set of methods or strategies.Even if i fail i have enjoyed myself trying!!
Neilm 16,
I'm new to these boards, the reason I'm hear is because I want to trade stock using the methods I'm trying to learn from forms like this and anybody who can give me there valuable advice.

But before I used other people like Tom Winnifred (forgot how to spell his name) Paul Kavanngh (like wise) Sunday Times and more recently Robbie Burrns for free, or Subscribe to hot penny shares
I leave in March.
More recently I have joined City Equities where they ring me up when they have got a suggestion on a stock.
These guys may get it right 65% of the time.

what I'm saying is still make money while you learn your own thing, for the next two weeks i'm paper trading I lost £600
today but I'm learning.

Robbie Burrns made £100, 000, I pick the bones out of what he traded in the same time frame I made £40,000 not bad for someone who knows nothing about it.
P.S. whatever Paul said to buy in the sunday paper, by friday you were guaranteed 10% proofit 'yah' those were the days
wish you luck but don't use your own money until you feel time is
* I made £40,000 not bad for someone who knows nothing about it. *

this is of course in paper trades .
Hi mma,

That was sterling I buy real stocks, on recommendation, or info that is e-mailed or that I subscribe to.

I now want to learn a way of buying stocks on my own efforts
and see if I can do better.

For this I am paper trading (virtual)

I was recommended Exel other peoples research tells me it's
good for 800p.

Before I might have jumped in/ now with what I am learning
I can add my own view whether to buy/sell

City Equities

cotton said:
More recently I have joined City Equities where they ring me up when they have got a suggestion on a stock.
These guys may get it right 65% of the time.

Hi cotton,

Do you (or anyone else?) have any more feedback on City Equities? I've had them on the 'phone trying to get me to use them. Are you still using them? Making money? Is the 65% figures you've worked out from their recommendations, or is that their quote?

For anyone who doesn't know, they say they act as 'dealers' in penny shares selling stock to you direct. They reckon they buy large amounts at a discount and make their money on the spread, so the service is 'free'. They work over the telephone. I wonder if they're recommending a buy to one customer, sell to another, creaming off the commission? Is this a 'Bucket shop'?

Anyone any experience of other companies that do this?

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Apparently if you look in the Dictionary for the definition of 'Bull Market Genius' all it says is Paul Kavanngh!