Vince Stanzione (Home Study Course)?


Hi All,

Im interested in trading and i have read alot about Vince Stanzione home study course, can anyone give me some more information on this I.E. is this a scam, does it work, is it worth buying etc.

Do a search on his name in forums you'll find plenty of stuff.
He;s a self publicist who charges £3K or more
for a 1 day seminar. Think about if thats the type of person
who is best to learn from, or give your money to?
From what i've seen (a dvd of his seminar) its simplistic MA crossover
systems following breakouts, -a trend following system..

If you want to learn to trade there is plenty of good stuff on this forum for free.

Good luck.
trust me trading take longer than 1 or 2 days and spending that kind of money unless your a millionaire is a waste in my view better spent putting a portion of that say £300-£500 live account trading nano lots see if your strategy works then put the rest in after say 90 days want to be extra catious 180 days or go for demo account.