Trading competitions

While reading some of the posts about getting trading jobs with the insitutions, it occured to me that there is another route in.

All the big players need traders, and the options are they either bring traders in who already have a record, or they train traders inhouse. There is a third method which is comparatively cheap for them.

They run an online trading competition, with attractive prize money. Entry is free or nominal, and in return financial institution/brokerage running the competition gets the details of the good traders, and sees them in action. And then, guess what? Yep, they offer jobs to the winning traders, or whoever meets their selection criteria. Certainly saves on HR recruitment costs.

I've seen competitions run in the US for US organisations, but have not yet seen one in the UK, until today. I know this particular competition has closed, but it looks as if they will be running another one in the future, and it might just be a useful idea for someone reading these boards.

Or perhaps we could get the financial institutions to sponsor T2W competitions with real dosh!
good link...

it was refreshing to see the name snowman as the winner...

If I remember correctly a snowman was on indexia site...perhaps Roger M and few others would remember the name..???
While reading some of the posts about getting trading jobs with the insitutions, it occured to me that there is another route in.

All the big players need traders, and the options are they either bring traders in who already have a record, or they train traders inhouse. There is a third method which is comparatively cheap for them.

They run an online trading competition, with attractive prize money. Entry is free or nominal, and in return financial institution/brokerage running the competition gets the details of the good traders, and sees them in action. And then, guess what? Yep, they offer jobs to the winning traders, or whoever meets their selection criteria. Certainly saves on HR recruitment costs.

I've seen competitions run in the US for US organisations, but have not yet seen one in the UK, until today. I know this particular competition has closed, but it looks as if they will be running another one in the future, and it might just be a useful idea for someone reading these boards.

Or perhaps we could get the financial institutions to sponsor T2W competitions with real dosh!

watch out for FX-factor then in the future ?

Simon ?...."that was the best trade of the series so far" .....😉
Regretably Skimbleshanks hasn't been around for years. Sk..... is if I remember rightly is a lady somewhere in Scotland and a class A trader who was willing to help.
Well!!I am here and i agree with your reviews about the trading competition...
According to me that we should be importance of our trading and take care
of the trading management...