Trading at Work


Hello guys and girls,

Just wondering if anyone trades with a full time job on here? If they do, what type analysis do you do and are you watching the market while at work or just using eod charts and news?

Hello guys and girls,

Just wondering if anyone trades with a full time job on here? If they do, what type analysis do you do and are you watching the market while at work or just using eod charts and news?


Depending on how busy I am I maintain a connection with my laptop at home so that I can see what's going on which obviously has all my analysis on it.
Depending on how busy I am I maintain a connection with my laptop at home so that I can see what's going on which obviously has all my analysis on it.

hmmm....... if only i could still do that ....firewalled a while back as I need specialist indicators running

ive now got a VPS linked up but even that is not perfect ....🙄

I now trade in the early morning if I get time or later in evening dailys TF if I can be bothered its like watching paint dry 😆

hmmm....... if only i could still do that ....firewalled a while back as I need specialist indicators running

ive now got a VPS linked up but even that is not perfect ....🙄

I now trade in the early morning if I get time or later in evening dailys TF if I can be bothered its like watching paint dry 😆


nothings perfect, and no issues with firewall but watching paint dry is too true. Only if I think I might have something on, I'll watch it. But my Mrs does it all now, hardly need to. Practically all mine's end of day, and the account has been better for it
Working and trading. I live close to work and can do back and forth some. It is exhausting. I'm thinking for the future now and I will trade full time so I'm working on my program emailing me when a signal prior to entry is hit so that I can get on the computer then. That way I can live life normally until a trade pops up. I can email a text message to my phone that is always on my side, that way I will be sure to hear it.

Developing websites so im able to trade, but only when I'm not too busy. I usually do my trades in the morning and keep them to the middle of the day.
the crazy thing is this is what the "Sellinars" and learn to trade outfits live on ...........convincing people they can generate solid reliable part time income....whilst holding down a full time job......

Hello guys and girls,

Just wondering if anyone trades with a full time job on here? If they do, what type analysis do you do and are you watching the market while at work or just using eod charts and news?


I have lunch break 1 hour, travel 2 hrs everyday by train. I utilize my time. I read some analysis from brokers and doing my own calculation. Its difficult but that's how I manage my family life, office and trade.
Thanks for all the info guys, just weighing up my options atm. I think it's better that I trade D1 and the 4hr now, and analyse the market when I get home.

All I can do is read articles at work which seems like thats what most of you do and leave the trading til after work.

Thanks for all the replys, if anyones got anymore ways they split their work day up much appreciated.
Trading from Work

Although I have been a full-time trader for nearly two decades, I can speak to this based on when I used to work a full-time job (as a programmer) while also trading my account.

Today you have advantages I did not have back then, like a 24-hour FOREX market that is nice to trade anytime, allowing you to trade when you are home from work.

However, as far as trading from work, my suggestion is to hone your skills as a POSITION TRADER.

This requires that you focus on the Daily/Weekly price charts and plan your entry with contingency stop orders.

For example, what I would do is plan my trade the night before and decide where I wish to enter and where my stop-loss should go if I am filled. Then I would place my entry order (usually a stop-in order) that if hit will then automatically trigger my stop-loss order.

You MUST learn to be really good about using stop-loss orders when position trading and having your focus elsewhere (like at work). Peace of mind and it allows you to easily manage it from time to time, moving your stop to break-even and eventually into profit as the days progressed, getting you out of the trade only when it reverses against your position and hits your stop-loss.

This approach I used successfully during those years of working full-time.

Although I have been a full-time trader for nearly two decades, I can speak to this based on when I used to work a full-time job (as a programmer) while also trading my account.

Today you have advantages I did not have back then, like a 24-hour FOREX market that is nice to trade anytime, allowing you to trade when you are home from work.

However, as far as trading from work, my suggestion is to hone your skills as a POSITION TRADER.

This requires that you focus on the Daily/Weekly price charts and plan your entry with contingency stop orders.

For example, what I would do is plan my trade the night before and decide where I wish to enter and where my stop-loss should go if I am filled. Then I would place my entry order (usually a stop-in order) that if hit will then automatically trigger my stop-loss order.

You MUST learn to be really good about using stop-loss orders when position trading and having your focus elsewhere (like at work). Peace of mind and it allows you to easily manage it from time to time, moving your stop to break-even and eventually into profit as the days progressed, getting you out of the trade only when it reverses against your position and hits your stop-loss.

This approach I used successfully during those years of working full-time.


Good advice FDT.....the problem is the vast amount of wannabee traders are lured to this business on the promises of astronomic returns on their investments the raw truth of solid (but relatively low digit) profitability from this form of trading will be unpalletable for them

if you trawl youtube and find the small amount of good trading advice on there from the Trading greats you will rapidly see the same comments that astronomical returns are a myth............but no one listens :whistling

Good advice FDT.....the problem is the vast amount of wannabee traders are lured to this business on the promises of astronomic returns on their investments the raw truth of solid (but relatively low digit) profitability from this form of trading will be unpalletable for them

if you trawl youtube and find the small amount of good trading advice on there from the Trading greats you will rapidly see the same comments that astronomical returns are a myth............but no one listens :whistling


It somehow was never the draw of lots of money so much as the lure to be able to work as a trader in the awesome financial world that initially got me interested in trading. I have tried trading in many different forms over the years and have finally settled on futures contract trading. I think the silly promises of quick money are what made myself lose money years ago investing in funds supposedly for retirement. After that I realized that any money making I was going to do was going to involve hard work and learning about trading and the markets.

I only want to be consistently profitable. It doesn't matter how fast the money is made. It only matters that money made is not lost. Increasing investment will then yield the returns you decide you want.

Making Big Profits Trading from Home

Good advice FDT.....the problem is the vast amount of wannabee traders are lured to this business on the promises of astronomic returns on their investments the raw truth of solid (but relatively low digit) profitability from this form of trading will be unpalletable for them

if you trawl youtube and find the small amount of good trading advice on there from the Trading greats you will rapidly see the same comments that astronomical returns are a myth............but no one listens :whistling


True, so very true.

It was actually what lured me into this business nearly 3 decades ago.

When I think back to that time, I must admit that I'm thankful that it did! Sure I had to pay the piper (a number of times) in account wipeouts (2) or major drawdowns (few). But it was the 'dream' that kept me at it because I knew it could be done.

No I did not turn $10K into $1mil or anything like that. But the following is a sample:

In 2008, via my trading forum I posted my trades real-time during the whole year. That year resulted in approximately 35% growth. That was under pressure because others were watching. Won't do that again!

23% so far this year with 3 months to go.

This is not the result of many losses or big drawdowns because I lose very few trades and the losses are usually very small.

This is the result of only risking a very small percentage of my capital on any trade and only trading when the risk is low and capturing parts of moves.

Many might consider that too small for them, especially if they are starting off with a small amount to trade.

Well, reality better sink in fast or they will be attracted to all the offers out there to make them zillionaires trading Forex using the PumpYourForex (made that up) system starting with little money.

Avoid the auto systems. Be in control.
Be realistic with your trading goals.
If you start with a small amount of capital, trade FOREX mini-size contracts.
Learn a system or method and test it out first before you make it live.

There's more, but this is a start. 🙂
FDateTrader is absolutely correct, there is lots more. Trading from work these last 2 days on the ES was a big waste for me. My system gave me no signals. Just this morning I figured out why, I should have been trading the ESZ3... This is the last week of the ESU3. Too many distractions trading and working. I better get my ducks in a row or I'll be waiting a long time to trade full time.
