Sticky Trading Arcade Index

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The Definitive Index of Trading Arcades / Prop Trading Firms

Please add a reply to this thread with any Arcades we've missed, or to update the entries if any of the details shown are incorrect.

  1. The5%ers Trading Fund
  2. Better Options Amsterdam
  3. FCT Group of Companies (London, Gibraltar and Chicago)
  4. DCANS Capital Ltd
  5. Geneva International Financial Trading (Dublin & Gibraltar)
  6. G H Financials LtdGlobal Exchange Trading Ltd
  7. Krechendo Trading Paris
  8. MET Traders Ltd.
  9. OnScreen Trading
  10. Positive Equity Ltd
  11. PROPEX Derivatives (Australia)
  12. Sequoia Capital LLP
  13. Xconnect Trading Ltd.
[anchor=The5.25ers_Trading_Fund]The5%ers Trading Fund[/anchor]
We fund the top 5% Traders.
The5%ers (The-Five-Percenters) is a private proprietary trading firm, active in the global currency markets. We are proud to be one of the first and few funds active in the forex market, bringing the proprietary trading opportunity to millions of traders across the world.

The5%ers recruits talented forex traders to work for the firm by a proprietary trading model. The fund cultivate its prop-traders contractors by above industry standards commission scheme, high growth potential and full time mentoring and professional support, that prove to enhance the traders? performance.

Gil Benhur gil[at]
Snir Achiel snir[at]

Head Office +972 (52) 2462377 | POB 494, Bazra 60944, Israel.

Beursplein 5

1012 JW Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Clearing through Abn Amro Clearing Bank N.V.

[anchor=FCT_Group_of_Companies_.28London.2C_Gibraltar_and_Chicago.29]FCT Group of Companies (London, Gibraltar and Chicago)[/anchor]
London Rahul Kanodia 3rd Floor Dauntsey House 48 Frederick's Place London EC2R 8AB

Phone:+44 (0)20 7964 9865 email [email protected]

Chicago Michael Rathberger Suite 805 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago IL 60606 USA

Phone:+1 312 424 3054 email [email protected]

Clearing through GCM

2a Camrose Avenue, Edgware Middlesex. HA8 6EG

Phone:+44(0)2036080125 Fax: +44(0)2035147174

Member web site

Isaac Kenneth, [email protected]

[anchor=Geneva_International_Financial_Trading_.28Dublin_.26_Gibraltar.29]Geneva International Financial Trading (Dublin & Gibraltar)[/anchor]
Riverview House 21/23 City Quay Dublin 2

Phone +353 1 618 1000

Employment: Justin Mealy Phone: +353 1 618 1000

[email protected]

Fax: +353 1 618 1017


5th Floor Vintners Place 68 Upper Thames Street London EC4V 3BJ

Phone:+44 (0)20 7653 6400 [email protected]

Member web site

Hugh Cooper [email protected]

Peter Lovell [email protected]

Clearing through GCM

Krechendo Trading Paris is the first trading arcade in France. It was set up by Tarek Elmarhri,trader in large bank,hedge fund and market making firm for 12 years.

We are the leading Paris trading arcade for independent traders on futures, stocks & market making option. We also specialize in training for profesional traders.

Markets traded : EUREX, CME, CBOT, BOVESPA, Borsa Italiana, NYMEX.

Address: 192 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Director: Tarek Elmarhri Email: [email protected] Phone Mobile: +33 (0)650465370 - Phone : +33 (0)9 83 39 04 15 Member web site:

Clearing through : MAREX Financial Ltd London, GH financial London, Advantages futures Chicago, ABN Amro Paris

[anchor=MET_Traders_Ltd.]MET Traders Ltd.[/anchor]
79 Maygrove Road West Hampstead London NW6 2EG

Phone:+44 (0)20 7604 5750 Fax+44 (0)20 7328 5823

Member web site

Danny Kessler [email protected]

Michael Jacobs [email protected]

Recruitment [email protected]

Clearing through The Kyte Group Ltd.

Imperial House 21-25 North St. Bromley Kent BR1 1DS

Phone:+44 (0)20 8256 5700

Member web site

Thomas Coleman, IT Manager

Rob Brophy, Director

Paul Reynolds, Operation Manager

Michael Busby, IT Support

Clearing through The Kyte Group Ltd.

Positive is the most successful trading firm in Ireland. We focus on trader success only. Our business is making you successful. We work with experienced traders and trainees. If you want to have a long term successful career surrounded by successful traders on a trading floor where information and innovation is shared, please get in touch.

| 2nd Floor | 69 - 71 St. Stephen's Green South | Dublin 2 | Ireland | | Tel: +353 1 525 0 525 | Fax: +353 1 633 5085 |

Phone:+353 1 525 0525

Email: [email protected]

Member web site

[anchor=PROPEX_Derivatives_.28Australia.29]PROPEX Derivatives (Australia)[/anchor]
190 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Phone:+61 2 8274 3132

[email protected]

Member web site

Propex Derivatives is the leading futures trading firm in Australia. We have the best connectivity to Asia, Europe and the United States.

We offer a wide variety of Trading Platforms with speed and stability as our main priority.

We recruit:

• Experienced traders returning to Australia from Europe and the US • Foreign traders moving to Australia • Seasonal traders who trade from Australia in the summer • Local traders who require the best facilities • Exceptional Graduates for our training program

9 Pembridge Mews 27A Pembridge Villas London W11 3EP

Phone:+44 (0)20 7221 1111

Member web site

Douglas Garistina [email protected]

Matthew Brown [email protected]

Clearing through Goldman Sachs International

[anchor=Xconnect_Trading_Ltd.]Xconnect Trading Ltd.[/anchor]
Address: 6th Floor, Basildon House, 7 – 11 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AF

Paul White, Senior Manager

Phone:+44 (0)20 7031 0608

Kevin Parker, Account manager Phone:+44 (0)20 7031 0605 [email protected]

Clearing through ABN Amro Clearing N.V.

Xconnect Trading Ltd is an independent FSA registered company with direct exchange connectivity ensuring speed and reliability. We have state of the art IT and support and offer mulitble exchanges across mulitble front end trading systems. We have proffesional trading facilities for both self backed traders as well as offering backed deals. As well as central London we have regional and international offices, we offer part backed deals as well as supporting self financed traders and support algo traders on multible asset classes. Our regulated entity also supports brokers and broking teams.
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I think a large number on your list no longer exist, Atlas, Curvalue, Fortis (Now ABN but not taking local traders) Custom House,Futex, Onscreen, Pelican West, Shaolin Futures, Schneider Trading, Sigma (Now Broking only) and Trading Connections all have ceased trading. A number of the others may well have stopped as well.

Positive Equity are still going in Dublin, Xconnect Trading Ltd have recently moved to new offices in Moorgate and are still going and one you do not list is Tower and they have been going for a while.

Probably best to update!
I think the list would shrink to 6 or 7, most on the list have gone by the wayside.
Onscreen, Tower Trading (not even mentioned above) and Xconnect are still going.
Marex and Sigma have stopped offering position to Prop traders and now are exclusively Brokerage shops.
There are a few new outfits, but as I think you may have noted from the demise above, it is better to stick with those that have stayed the course.
Why class yourself as a pro trader and pay tax an a desk fee when you can sit at home and trade tax free
Because you cant, if you trading is your primary source of income it is taxable. Nobody in the UK can earn an income Tax free.
This used to be a highly useful list of trading arcades, but as @majikle and @Parky have pointed out, it badly needs updating! I plan to update this list in the coming weeks. If you're aware of any trading firms not on this list, or wants to take an initial stab of listing out the now defunct firms, then be my guest! Otherwise expect an updated version shortly.
The below have ceased trading. Not sure about a few of the others:-

Atlas, Candlestick, Curvalue, Custom House, Fortis, Futex, Mint, Pelican West, Shaolin, Schneider, Traders Clearing Alliance, Trading Connections.
The below have ceased trading. Not sure about a few of the others:-

Atlas, Candlestick, Curvalue, Custom House, Fortis, Futex, Mint, Pelican West, Shaolin, Schneider, Traders Clearing Alliance, Trading Connections.
It seems many of them couldn't last very long! 🤔
It seems many of them couldn't last very long! 🤔
The list is ancient, in so far as when the list was updated in 2018 the dead wood that already existed was not removed. Algo's killed a great number of the Prop Shops and others just melted away. Some like Schnieder were taken over.
I do plan to update it some day!

It used to be a really handy list. There wasn't really anything out there at the time that pulled them altogether in one place, maybe there is now.
I think the list would shrink to 6 or 7, most on the list have gone by the wayside.

I've gone through the list today and cut it right down from 52 to 13 who are still around, so precisely 25%.

Next step, will be adding new firms to the list...
Sharky, I am surprised you found 13. For good orders sake Xconnect has moved.
Address: 6th Floor, Basildon House, 7 – 11 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AF
Thanks Parky, updated! I'll figure out a better way to manage this list in the future. It used to be part of the old Traderpedia, which was a wiki and enabled everyone to make edits themselves.