No 1 Gems Ltd coloured diamond Scam

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No1 Gems Ltd.

This is a scam company and their ad claims are-

No1 Gems based in Brighton is a unique international boutique diamond investment company offering its clients a discreet and world class service.

We are offering both old and new clients the opportunity to take advantage of these uncertain economic times and build themselves a varied portfolio with the potential of very strong returns. Our key aim is the creation of wealth through intelligent diamond investment while integrating its creative and independent strategic market intelligence and diamond investment insight, No1 Gems aims to extract superior sustainable returns for its select group of clients.
Our mission is to educate, source and supply the most exclusive and beautiful natural fancy coloured diamonds. No1 Gems have been providing the world’s most portable and concentrated form of wealth with knowledge and discretion with unparalleled resources and expertise which is why No1 Gems are the most trusted supplier to international clients and global private investors.

1st Floor2
Woodberry Grove,
North Finchley,
N12 0DR.

W: No1 Gems |
E: [email protected]
Company Reg No: 07828940

Companies House details

Failure Page
Web Site Names Company Director – Adam James Leach. Appointed 18/04/2012.

Telephone sales people

Senior Consultant - Hugo Jones +44 (0) 207 0999 482, Email [email protected].
Teddy Snow [email protected]

1st Floor2
Woodberry Grove,
North Finchley,
N12 0DR

Lee Miller - Admin Officer +44(0) 2071830545 / 01273704960 [email protected]
No1 Gems Ltd
Romeo Suite
Maritime House
Basin Road North
Hove, East Sussex
BN41 1WR

Teddy Snow gave the following details.
No 1 Gem Ltd
Company Director – Adam Simmons.
Company Secretary – Adam James Leach.

Bank Details

Barclays Bank Plc
63 Terminus Road
East Sussex
BN21 3NE

No 1 Gems Ltd
Account Name: No 1 Gems Ltd
Account No: 93223191
Sort code: 20-27-91
IBAN: GB34 BARC 2027 9193 2231 91
VAT No: 129 7743 79

Web site domain details. - Spyder Web Design
Flat 2
7 Sackville Road
BEXHILL-ON-SEA, east sussex TN39 3JB

Domain name: NO1GEMS.COM

Administrative Contact:
Simmons, Adam
Flat 2
7 Sackville Road
BEXHILL-ON-SEA, east sussex TN39 3JB
Technical Contact:
Simmons, Adam
Flat 2
7 Sackville Road
BEXHILL-ON-SEA, east sussex TN39 3JB

Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
Record last updated on 18-Apr-2012.
Record expires on 18-Apr-2014.
Record created on 18-Apr-2012.

Registrar Domain Name Help Center:
Tucows Domains – Domain Help

Domain servers in listed order:

Domain status: clientTransferProhibited

Telesales recruitment ads for No 1 Gems.

Telesales Professional No 1 Gems | Friday-Ad classifieds

Latest jobs from DirectGov for No1 Gems Ltd - Friday's dgJobs
No1 Gems Ltd is an expanding company in one of the fastest growing investment opportunities in the world today. We sell rare coloured diamonds to investors looking for safe and profitable alternatives to traditional investments such as stocks, property and gold. Rare coloured diamonds account for less than 1 of total worldwide annual production. Demand is increasing while supplies diminish. Values are rising fast and investors can expect high profits. We were established last year are now opening our 3rd office in the North West. We are looking for experienced direct salespeople or graduates with the drive to succeed in a fast paced sales environment and a desire to become high achievers.Full training, fun working atmosphere, very high commissions plenty of leads. Min order value 5,000 with 90 of our business is conducted over the telephone.

Blog reports & further details.

0161 is a Manchester number, or so you would think...
0203 is a Brighton number, or so you would think...

In any case, 0161 359 3589 is a company called 'No 1 Gems Ltd'. No, they are not in Manchester, although they pretend they have an office there- just a big smokescreen so that you think it's a legitimate company with multiple offices.

No 1 Gems Ltd's other number is 0203 301 4010. Whichever number you dial, you'll still be through to the same silver-tongued salesman.

What is the nature of their 'business', I hear you ask. They say they sell diamonds as long term investments, namely 'fancy coloured' ones which apparently are worth more. The reason is that apparently they are finite and therefore rare, and as they become rarer, there will be higher demand for them. Also, the mine they come from, somewhere in Australia, is allegedly going to close (not true, but they give you some distracting facts from Wikipedia). Over the years, like a property investment, the diamond is supposed to increase in value so that you can sell it for a nice return.

Codswallop. Anyone who knows anything about the truth about diamonds will know that diamonds are actually worthless, whichever stage of ownership they are at.

Do some research on Cecil Rhodes, De Beers, manufactured scarcity, blood diamonds (all diamonds are blood diamonds, by the way), the Rothschilds, the Oppenheimers...

Nicky Oppenheimer, De Beers Chairman, in 1999 said: "Diamonds are intrinsically worthless, except for the deep psychological need they fill".

That should be a clue to the general public about how much any diamond is worth.

Also, the diamonds engagement rings were created in the 1920s by De Beers due to a slump in the diamond trade- they engaged a marketing company who essentially sold to the public the big lie that diamonds are the ultimate sign of love. Hence why your love is worth nothing unless you seal it with a lump of carbon.

Like I said, please research the above about the truth about diamonds before even considering a purchasing a diamond for any reason, be it as a so-called investment or as an item of jewellery. You're throwing your money away and helping the exploitation, mutilation and killing of poor Africans, and the West is in charge of it all (do your homework).

Back to the topic of No 1 Gems Ltd. As mentioned above, not knowing any real truth about diamonds, you're going to get a load of hot air from the salesman, whose name I shall conceal for now, about how you must buy one and how it's a great investment. You'll actually end up with a worthless rock that'll get you nowhere. All they're after is your money- you invest as much money as you like and they bring you a rock to correlate (or so you'd think).

They are scam artists who will have their backs covered. Do your homework about the diamond industry and it will further consolidate your realising that diamond investments are nothing but a major scam, just like land banking. If ever you try to vent your anger at these con merchants, they'll probably say: "Oh, you should have read the fine print" or "oh, you shouldn't have been greedy" or "oh, how stupid can you be to believe the salesman's word" or "oh, don't you realise that an investment is never a guarantee of a return". It's cold and it's blunt but to some extent it's true, but sometimes people are too good natured to realise when they're being duped or just haven't bothered doing any research. This is what scammers exploit. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

No 1 Diamonds Ltd is a pitiful way to name something of such an elitist nature- sparkly gems, finances, world trading. I mean, it's not even 'Number 1' or 'Number One'. It's 'No 1', perhaps a hint at 'No-one'. In any case, 'No 1' is the name you'd give to some playground gang.

Company Information:

Registration Date: 31/10/2011
Registration Number: 07828940
Type: Private Limited with share capital

Registered Address
N12 0DR

The Company Directors are both of East Sussex (hence the connection to Brighton- the London address is simply a maildrop) and in their late 20s, probably washed-up failures who are looking to make a fast buck by any means necessary:

Mr Adam Michael Simmons
Mr Adam James Leach

No 1 Gems Ltd = SCAM
No1 Gems | = SCAM
Diamond investments = SCAM
Con merchants, rogue traders... you name it.

No 1 Gems Ltd is a scam. Don't buy anything from them, not even a loaf of bread if they offer you one.

They will mislead you into buying something you believe is a valuable diamond which is so rare that it will only increase in value over the years so that you can sell it for much more and scream with joy, dance on your rooftop and then give yourself a pat on the back for making such a wise investment.

Sadly it's all a red flag and all the hallmarks of a scam are there: cold callers, first names only (you don't know the real identity of who's trying to trick you), too friendly, pretends not to care (but really he does, rings multiple times, even at evenings and weekends and for prolonged periods, bigs up the opportunity as too good to miss, high pressure (he needs to earn his commission-only pay you know).

This company also loves to dribble on about the Argyle Mine in Australia. Their facts are straight from Wikipedia (so chances are this is no gem expert but somebody who probably lost his previous job in an office or somewhere completely unrelated but now has to blag for a living) and they say it's closing later this decade. Rubbish- it's the mining technique which is changing at Argyle. Anyway, it's all part of the plan.

You have been warned. Nobody is jealous of your dreams to get rich quick. Sadly going about this way is not the way to do it.

No 1 Gems Ltd is a scam.

PS: they are advertising many positions for this salesperson role, one of which is for Greek speakers. Presumably it's to take advantage of the fact that there is currently an economic crisis in Greece so why not target a few broken-hearted Greeks and tell them that all is not doom and gloom: beat the financial crisis by making an investment! Lousy and further evidence of the directors' unscrupulous nature. I'm sure the countless Greek / Greek Cypriot citizens and Greek / Greek Cypriot students in the UK will be most interested to find out about this, as would Prince Philip- he's originally from Greece and born there, too. Let's try and flog a gem to him.

No 1 Gems Ltd SCAM - 01273704960 No 1 Gems Ltd SCAM - 01613593589
No 1 Gems Ltd SCAM - 02033014010