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I've been in Dubai for about 7 months now, and dealing with Futures & Options for about 8 years. So, if anyone is interested in exploring business ideas pm me.
To those those who live in Dubai how is the speed of internet do they have fast broadband. How about the Dubai laws? Are residents of Dubai allowed to bet on site like betfair, Igindex?
i lived 8 years in Dubai. the connectivity quality depends where you live. If your villa or condo is an "old" part of town, even ADSL connection will not be available.
If you're in one of the newer developments, such as Springs, the Marina or Meadows, then the connections are better, as they have newer infrastructure and also a seperate company, TECOM, responsible for supply in those areas. but the customer service from TECOM is shockingly 3rd world BAD !
gaming sites are strictly banned. Sometimes even the racing results from sportinglife etc are blocked. There are ways around this, usually routing via Cyprus, but it's a game of cat and mouse and you'll have to keep switching portals to stay ahead of the (very proactive and diligent) internet police.
Someone mentioned temps reaching 40 degrees ? That my friend would be a nice, comfortable day. Temps in mid-summer exceed 50, I've seen 54. Although the "official" government readings never go above, as I recall, 45 otherwise by law all the poor sub-continent workers working outdoors on construction etc, would have to be allowed to go home.
Dubai used to be a wonderful place, almost like a huge village, a great place for ex-pats, either single guys 😆 or families but now the place is like one huge construction site, traffic is a nightmare and the whole place reeks of greed. Having once vowed never to leave, it's now the last place on Earth i would ever live (and I include KSA in that evaluation).
Just my 2 dirhams worth 🙄
I have been in and out of Dubai for the last 15 years and yes, it certainly has changed from being 'village' to what it is now. There is a lot of construction, but that largely depends on where you are and much of the town is now developed. I guess whether you like the city is subjective and if villages are your preference, then you won't like Dubai. The proof is in what people do and Dubai still remains one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations and people are moving here not for financial reasons but for the life style (beaches, tax free status etc etc). Also, traffic is no worse than any other capital I know and is definitely better than London. I don’t smell greed in Dubai, I smell opportunities to make a lot of money but maybe that is the same smell!
You are correct about the summer temperatures that go to the high 40’s in the summer (it is rarely above 50) and it can make those two months of the year uncomfortable. But again, it’s not so bad; people still come here on holiday then and go to the beach, everything is air conditioned and the upside is a lot of residents go on holiday so the town becomes empty. I would certainly take a hot summers day in Dubai over a cold dark wet day in Europe.
I would go on about lifestyle in Dubai but I am beginning to sound like the tourist board, so I will leave it to say that the advantages way outweigh some of the downsides which I think I minimal anyway.
One area I do totally agree on is internet connections. It is getting better but is still bad and most of all, very expensive. Basically, the government see communications as a huge source of revenue and despite hours of lobbying, it does not look like it will change yet. The only way I know of for quick connections is to trade Eurex through its hub here or through my arcade, Dubai PTG which has a dedicated leased line into London (anyone can have a leased line but it takes months to install and starts at $150,000).
If anyone wants to be put into contact with the right people at Eurex contact me and I will direct you through to the right guy.
As for sporting indexes, they are banned but I would not use the word strictly. Most free zone companies I know legitimately by pass internet controls.
How does it work exactely when you want to trade at the arcade? More info please 🙂
What a credit to Britain that guy looks
I am at a trading arcade in Dubai called DubaiPTG, Connectivity is fast and reliable it is 0%tax (guaranteed for 50 years!) and the lifestyle is amazing....They have a Total Assistance programme that puts to rest all the normal problems of re-locating like visa'a and accommodation etc. I roll up to work at about 11am(time difference) and spend all year in the sun! The lifestyle out here is amazing!! Highly Recommended.............Try it
Dont want to p1ss on your parade but can you tell me a bit more bout the lifestyle. Friends who've visited Dubai said its nice for a break but its basically a dusty building site, very hot and lots of malls.