Trading Arcade In Dubai

Hi guys,
Thinking of setting up a trading arcade for self backed traders in Dubai with the ability to trade all the popular products on Eurex, LIFFE, CME and CBOT. Just want to know the level of interest and if anyone is currently thinking about moving to Dubai to trade.
Dubia, lol
I'm not even going to comment.
I am Derivative Trader, now a days i am in dubai and actively looking for derivatives traders here in dubai , so if anybody is doing derivative trading , kindly contact me.
I am 23 years old and i have been Investing since i was 14 years old and actively trading short term timeframes since past 2 years. I want to join DPTG arcade in Dubai or any arcade in Singapore which gives a Visa. I have experience in trading futures in India's Mcx/Nse/Bse , stocks in USA's Nasdaq/Amex/Nyse. I am a full time trader currently trading from my home office. I never had proof of consistent trading activity as i was developing my beliefs about markets and changed brokers quite a lot so i don't have proof of wins but surely i lost my margin 3 times in margin calls and overall a/c went down to -40% in terms of my total available funds. But now i am doing OK after the exploration phase ended.
So i have a goal for October 2012-2013 to end each month +ve a/c equity net after payouts. I have started a blog yesterday which documents my performance etc [updated weekly & not live , i don't believe in giving tips , certainly no one gave them to me 😆 ] commodityproptradingdesk | This blog is a trading record of my market beliefs,trades made on those belief and outcome of those beliefs.

Will this type of proof along with broker statements be adequate in securing a firms backing ?

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Has anyone heard about Dubai Professional Trading Group (DPTG)? Has anyone gone through their trader's training program? How do you rate it?

What trading platform do you currently offer to trade? Also what assets can traders trade with DUBAI PTG?


In order to promote the advantages of Dubai; Dubai PTG is offering traders that meet a certain criteria, free desk space and accomdation in Dubai for a period of up to two months.
If anyone is interested please email
Has anyone heard about Dubai Professional Trading Group (DPTG)? Has anyone gone through their trader's training program? How do you rate it?

Hi there!!! I was wondering...did you attend the course offered by DPTG? do you have any feedback?? cheers!!
hey everyone, realize this is a relatively old thread, but I've been trading from the Dubai floor here for a few months now. great environment to be in and of course Dubai is a fantastic city to live in. (been here 8 years now). There has been a recent change in ownership and a lot of big changes coming up on the horizon. They'll be expanding the floor to accommodate more traders in the new year. If you have any questions at all, feel free to PM me.