20 Trade Exercise
Hi Les,
I've been trying to get through Mark Douglas's "20 Trade Exercise" that he describes near the end of his book,
Trading in the Zone. The ideas is to complete 20 trades "flawlessly executing" your trading plan. He doesn't stress win/loss, just that you do EXACTLY what you plan calls for for 20 trades in a row.
I've gone through 6 sets of 20 trades and have yet to get an error free set. If you're interested, you might scan the thread at
The theory here is rather than try to root out the reasons behind the failure to be a consistent winner, the trader just "practices" over and over until he pulls the trigger and exits the trade at EVERY signal the system gives him without fail. The result, says Douglas, is that by taking every trade, the "edge" of the particular system will work and provide consistent profits.
The trader then turns his intellectual understanding of a trading system's "edge" into a "core belief" on which he acts automatically. Forgive my simplistic analogy, but it's a bit like cognitive therapy: "We don't really care what caused this problem, but here is the way to solve it."
I will doing the segment on "Simulated Trading" on Traders Day and will base my presentation on how this 20 Trade Exercise can be done using simulators. Please e-mail me if you want to discuss this in a more thorough manner.
It's another approach that complicates the matter even more, eh?