January 21st, and the weekend effect


Junior member
Very very coincidental. January 21st is the most depressing day of the year, and we had the usual weekend effect. Unsurprisingly, markets got utterly spanked yesterday.
Today's up move was totally predictable based on yesterdays irrationality. I wouldn't be surprised if *they* tried to 'shake the tree' a bit yesterday!

kinda' simple when yout think about! ;-)
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I don't think it is the most depressing day of the year around the world... is it? Surely it must be sunny in Tokyo or Sidney? 😛
Is this a measure of the number of global suicides or somethoing? I mean who decided it was the most depressing day of the year? apart from in terms of price that is.
My understanding is that it only applies to the UK and is based on:

Failed New Year Resolutions
Lack of money after Christmas
Ongoing effect of dark nights

There may have been more but if so I cannot remember

Will January 21st be the “Most Depressing Day of the Year”? - World of Psychology

21st of Jan.

I don't think it's that important tho if we take the 21st or 24th. The markets got badly spanked and its far too coincidental. Perhaps the market decided to *discount* the number of failed new year resolutions? ;-)

Whilst we are on the subject, June 24th is the most positive day!and so happens to be my birthday has trading tips always welcome on this day!