Tradestation Data Importer!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter hemufx
  • Start date Start date
  • Watchers Watchers 8


🙄 I tried importing the XPO file into globalserver software and it gave me this error," subserver DLL does not exist", however after i ignored the error and clicked "OK" the symbol was imported. BUT when i try and creat a chart in tradestation with that imported data it says, "No data available for this symbol", now i went back to globalserver and checked the data and i found out that the sybbol is imported but there is no data in it.

I would really appriciate your help in this area??
Have you selected a datafeed for Global Server and if so what was it ?

If you try and import data that was originally in Hyperserver format and yet have not installed the Hyperserver datafeed into GlobalServer then you do get this error.

What was the source of the XPO data that was imported ?

Trader333 said:
Have you selected a datafeed for Global Server and if so what was it ?

If you try and import data that was originally in Hyperserver format and yet have not installed the Hyperserver datafeed into GlobalServer then you do get this error.

What was the source of the XPO data that was imported ?


🙄 Hello Paul,

Thank you for your reply.

I use tradestation 2000i purely for the purpose of backtesting few of my FX strategies, hence I do not wish to subscribe to any live data feed providers. I do not use hyperserver for my data conversion because it gives me a error message when i try and register online.

I am planning to purchase the data from and just to try if their data works I requested them for an XPO format sample of GBPUSD. This is what I’m trying to import into globalserver but it gives me the "Subserver DLL" error. However it imports the symbol GBPUSD in globalserver but when I check the symbol properties it has no data.

My aim is to backtest my strategies on tradestation and for which I need to import this data which I’m going to purchase.

I appreciate your help.


Hemufx -

Assuming I understand your needs correctly - then below is my take on it all...

You can feed TS 2ki free with (RealTime+Historical data) by using:

MetaTrader 3.85 > HyperServerLite for MetaTrader > GlobalServer
(must be MT 3.85 as HyperServer not recognise MT 4)

get MT 3.85 from
The above download .exe link is on this MetaQuotes site page...

get HyperServerLite for MetaTrader from

Having installed MT 3.85 you will do free register for free user account (your 'play' account - is not live/real).
You need the server name and logon info because this is what HyperServerLite needs to use so it can connect to data server...

MT3.85 does not have to be running to use data feed.

You will see plenty of posts on HyperTrader Tech LLC, and MetaQuotes forums.

😱 I advise that (at time of this post) I cannot connect to, cannot even ping the url. Strange... not understand - have not visited site for about 2wks... 😕


the following can be shared - BUT I'd rather you/others get from vendors sites - that way YOU know that have latest and greatest versions! (mine downloaded say 1month ago...)
1. Historical Plugin for TradeStation2000 and MetaTrader.msi
2. Omega2000 Edition for MetaTrader.msi
3. Omega2000 Edition for Universal DDE.msi
You have not selected a data source whilst setting up globalserver

Go into tools -> Run Setup wizard. It will offer you a choice of EoD or realtime and then multiple options for data source - see which selection of data import source might match what/where you are trying to input from.
Hi Guys,
Similar problem to hemufix,I have just setup Uk stocks on InteractiveB + HypersreverLite as i use this for US as well.
The data is collecting OK in Globalservr,however it wont chart..real strange.I am using LSE exchange and wasnt quite sure what symbol root to use,so like US stocks i used the stock symbol.This maybe problem??
Wen charting message 'No data available for selected Date range' appears.Yet wen i press Load Data its all there.
Also I was wondering what is the best way to get some historical data,for FTSE 100 stocks.
I was thinking of using Hyper history plug in,but from wat i read,it wont work if u already use Hyperserverlite.

Thanks! in advance.

What is the data range that is showing in the "Format Symbol" option ?

If it is is not correct then you wont see data. Try setting it to 500 days back with a time interval of 1 day then see if it displays.

Heyyy Paul,
Thanks for reply,I tried but no luck,also only have abt 2 days of data.I recently loaded currencies and they chrted straight away.Hmmm real Weird....
I try Register to "", but it say server unavailable
Please I want HyperServerLite for MetaTrader
Hyperserver is no longer free, you can buy it from them for around $100. Use email to contact them
Hello everyone,

I'm new here, the"HyperTrader History Plug-In" seems good , but the download link doesn't work, has anyone used that? please give some comments.
