Hemufx -
Assuming I understand your needs correctly - then below is my take on it all...
You can feed TS 2ki
free with (RealTime+Historical data) by using:
MetaTrader 3.85 > HyperServerLite for MetaTrader > GlobalServer
(must be MT 3.85 as HyperServer
not recognise MT 4)
get MT 3.85 from Metaquotes.net
The above download .exe link is on this MetaQuotes site page...
get HyperServerLite for MetaTrader from hypertrader.it
Having installed MT 3.85 you will do free register for free user account (your 'play' account - is not live/real).
You need the server name and logon info because this is what HyperServerLite needs to use so it can connect to data server...
does not have to be running to use data feed.
You will see plenty of posts on HyperTrader Tech LLC, and MetaQuotes forums.
😱 I advise that (at time of this post) I cannot connect to
www.hypertrader.it, cannot even ping the url. Strange... not understand - have not visited site for about 2wks...
the following can be shared - BUT I'd rather you/others get from vendors sites - that way YOU know that have latest and greatest versions! (mine downloaded say 1month ago...)
1. Historical Plugin for TradeStation2000 and MetaTrader.msi
2. Omega2000 Edition for MetaTrader.msi
3. Omega2000 Edition for Universal DDE.msi