Traders' star rating 1-10 based on actual verified income from trading

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Newbies would like to see trader star rating 1-10 based on verified annual results

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters


A newbie trader hopping from stock trading forum to forum looking for answers, knowledge, how-to etc., getting burned everywhere trying to learn to trade, losing the milk and rent money time and again, stumbles into T2W and knows instantly he's hit the jackpot. Why? Because all the traders at T2W are star-rated (1-10) based on verified annual trading income. Gone are the dopey-ass days of "Likes-rated" - he runs home to his wife and gushes, "my losing days are over, I can win now finally, I've picked the top ten really successful traders in one shot in under 5 minutes - to learn from and they are all willing to help me - start looking for a nicer house and car, we are on our way to accomplishing my dream of earning outstanding money from trading as a career - I will be busy, busy, busy for months devouring everything these 10 big cats put out - heck, my knees might be sore from the constant kneeling in reverence and deference but I don't care, I'm on my way and pain don't matter no more - there are many new sheriffs in town and I've picked the ten best"

(Re: verifiable trading records ............ yeah, those that only the Internal Revenue Service sees and knows oh so well about the 95% losers, will now be verified by Forum admin. privately and confidentially and a star rating attached to the trader's name that gets updated as and when he/she progresses to higher levels of trading income success. Rating will be based on a number of factors, % gains make it a level playing field, and there is also sheer dollar volume of income - factors can be combined into a nice smooth formula that is applied to ALL traders)

Then and only then can an advert justify, "earn good money in 6 months by trading and keep getting better and better and earning more and more by picking even better higher rated traders to learn from"

Online trading academy will go out of business in under 5 hours after word got out about T2W. Charlatans would cease and desist and YouTube trading videos would disappear

Re: Traders rated highly: would love to teach and show? Duh! They are dying to do so. You just gotta first find them, then ask. Finding is the hardest part, they are nowhere to be found in forums. But they can be trucked in.
At ET and other forums I have seen time and again the same-o same-o statement by the so-called successful traders, "why should we show the newbie how to trade, we had to learn the hard way, he should too, nothing is free, we are not going to give him help for free"

and so it is ..................... on and on the cycle never ends.

Escape is impossible.

But a successful businessman, an entrepreneur, a top-notch trader/investor thinks very differently and is soooo magnanimous its downright staggering to behold. Check it out for yourselves. I've never had any trouble finding the top warriors to help/teach me. Never ever had trouble with this in any endeavor. And I'm really no different than anybody, we all can ask and receive. Its a given. The failure comes from asking in the WRONG place. Go to where the food is and you will find them.

Traders receive LIKES for fck sake reasons. But no star will be given if the trading income is not commensurate. Take that to the bank. It works.

In real life every corporation's Sales Division has new recruits on a relatively regular basis esp. during ultra hiring periods. One thing these newbies all have in common? On day one, right after being hired, at the very first Sales meeting, they know who the top Closers (traders) are. Nobody hides this fact. Its an open book. More? Yeah, each newbie is assigned to one top-gun for further training. 😗

And why is America the greatest country in the Galactic confederation of planets? Because right down to the fella in the street there is a native understanding that nobody makes a friggin dime until a product/service is SOLD. That's why Sales pros makes the highest dollars for lowest hours of operation. God, do I love the game so!!!!! More money than doctors, lawyers et al? EEEEZILY

TRADING & SALES-CLOSING = match made in Heaven. The former keeps the mind nimble, the latter keeps one in perfect nail the jugular in one bite sweep. There are no secrets. Fellas know who the top guns are and emulate if they can. The top guns are always willing to show and tell.

Why not here?
Cambridge University:

Traders' grades/marks posted alongside their names on public bulletin board.

A spokesman for the University of Cambridge says: “This is an age-old tradition. If any student feels uncomfortable and wants their name to not be published they can ask their senior tutor for exemption.”

Show verified income: to what end?
Unless the trader has intention to use it as a shop-window to garner paying students, whats the point?
Why would someone hand over confidential financial info to rando forum admin? (sorry Mods!!)
A robust strategy, good MM, and low drawdown are principles I would be drawn to.
Otherwise might be cheaper to just a build a wall we could all take turns peeing up.

I make a meagre income from trading. I would scare people off.
Show verified income: to what end?
Unless the trader has intention to use it as a shop-window to garner paying students, whats the point?
Why would someone hand over confidential financial info to rando forum admin? (sorry Mods!!)
A robust strategy, good MM, and low drawdown are principles I would be drawn to.
Otherwise might be cheaper to just a build a wall we could all take turns peeing up.

I make a meagre income from trading. I would scare people off.

Joke or not, I believe you, your posts indicate such and therefore verified.

You Sir, just by stating your income from trading is meager, are exempt. YOU and only you thus far may go in peace with my blessing. But wait ......... before thou departest just spend a few minutes and gaze thru' some of the newbies who come to the DEATH factory on a daily basis and observe the ones like you who say a close equivalent of ............

I'm a losing trader
I've never made a profit
I can't trade to save my life
I've blow 3 (or x) accounts
I don't know doodly, pls teach me

These are my brothers. Every single one may go in Peace as a friend of Fibo - reciprocation irrelevant
Show verified income: to what end?
Unless the trader has intention to use it as a shop-window to garner paying students, whats the point?
Why would someone hand over confidential financial info to rando forum admin? (sorry Mods!!)
A robust strategy, good MM, and low drawdown are principles I would be drawn to.
Otherwise might be cheaper to just a build a wall we could all take turns peeing up.

I make a meagre income from trading. I would scare people off.

Answers in detail:

(1) show verified income to what end?

So a new fella trader who is on the ball, does not have time to fck around with oodles of dumb shit and dumbphucks to the nth degree, can zero in on the winners, let's say 10 winninng traders rated 1-10 stars by proven trading records, not by hocus-pocus like, "I've been Long since 5 months ago" and not a single real time entry stamp of a trade. The authenticity and capability and ability is ascertained without the shadow of a doubt. We would know these 10 cats are tops-notch.

He approaches the 10 and kneels before them and begs, "Save me, Sir, I'm drowning" The pro hears this, looks in his eyes and in one ogonblick knows if he is sincere - if so, boom, your Life's downtrend just went into a perennial bullmarket.

Gobs of time saved hunting zillions of people, 100s of deadbeat centrals and whatnot to find the helpers.

That's why
(2) unless the trader has intentions to market to get clients

FIBO is not marketing, couldn't give a rat's ass about garnering clients = pain in the ass time wasters, sap up ones power and in the end all lose money because I'm no matchmaker or counselor. FIBO is a lone trader, win trading or starve and not be able to pay for milk or rent. A reprobate.

Then all of a cat named FIBO buys this entire shithouse called T2L for price of the Capital of Iceland = 5 bucks and kicks out all the losers and brings in the pros - every single expelled trader from ET and T2L and Moneytec will be granted an amnesty and asked to come in and help make this a real trading venue - will explain later what makes it real trading, pay-shunce for now, pls
(3) Why would someone hand over confidential financial info to rando forum admin? (sorry Mods!!)

Moron! I'd trust Trader333 with my Social Security number, my date of birth info, my bank info, my trading records info and even allowing him to date my best girlfriends and wouldn't worry about a goddamn thing. Ditto for Sam. Same for Lightning McQueen although nowhere near Trader333. I would be doubtful about Sharky, though 🙂🙂 😗

Trader333 would have instant permission to have and to order printouts of all my 10-yr trading record and verifty it in a live call to brokers where his name would be placed in my file to give him whatever he needs.

Another thing I would do is put Trader333 on an instant 100k/yr salary. He's earned it in spades for banning me 2 times, not 4 😗
(4) A robust strategy, good MM, and low drawdown are principles I would be drawn to.

That's why you have no profits. Were you and the others truly proud of how these rules made you rich you'd have no problem proffering up your trading results to confirm such.

Friggin clown, hocus-pocus. 95% still lose. All forums vomit this useless shit for eons and the losses keep piling up, maim and kill.

A Pro would teach the newbie from basic basic. Money would start coming in to the newbie's account from day 31 after initiation.
(5) Otherwise might be cheaper to just a build a wall we could all take turns peeing up.

Before peeing on the Wall in your mind that is preventing you from making any money trading, consider this even cheaper way to get on track to success in trading. Its a one-step process and does not involve Trader333 or admin seeing your identity or your online account info ................

30 of you losers, I will name you all, will show up to London and meet with me at T2W party. Bring your printed trading records for 1-10 years (if you've only trader for 1, then bring just 1) - I don't need to go online to see if the record is really yours. All I need to do is have you log in right in front of me to your T2L account and then I will direct you to any one of your posts that has a trade mentioned. If you're a liar, I'll nail your bum to the ball in a fckin heartbeat. That's Fibo at his very best. He can ferret out pretenders/posers by just looking at their posts. Bring a trading record and I can dispense with you mothers at the rate of 30 in just under 60 minutes.

10 chicks I've helped becoe traders will bring their records with them with me to theparty. They are all single, 3 from India, 4 from Thailand, 3 from Messiko. We will have a ball. I can bring more but they are not traders yet but all have really sweet asses and love to dance Boogie woogie

Then we drink beer and bring in the chicks and party till dawn.

Yeah..... the thing about writing text is that there isn't a jocular, tongue-in-cheek font, so people can know I am pulling their legs, being ironic, and/or am being self-deprecatory.
It's a british, being under-stated, sort of thing.
Show verified income: to what end?
Unless the trader has intention to use it as a shop-window to garner paying students, whats the point?
Why would someone hand over confidential financial info to rando forum admin? (sorry Mods!!)
A robust strategy, good MM, and low drawdown are principles I would be drawn to.
Otherwise might be cheaper to just a build a wall we could all take turns peeing up.

I make a meagre income from trading. I would scare people off.


At the T2L party I will do a live trade totally drunk. But because I'll be drunk I will pick the vehicle I can navigate with my eyes closed and drunker than a skunk - the EurUsd. I'll put on a 1 million dollar live trade right in front of you and cash out before the party ends - we should do this during overlap hours. Win or lose you will see the techniques - will trade it on 5 minutes to 30-mintue and if the trade still continues will let it run till way after my return to the United States and we just monitor it online together.

To be continued later ,,,,,,,,,, 😗

I can try to get Kassav to the party in London. don't worry, I'll cover the cost. Just one call to Jocelyn Beroard can get the ball rolling in a heartbeat. She wanted me to marry her young ..............

she is the singer

I can ask her to invite even more of the dancers who come on at the 2 minute mark. God help Fibo. Paradise galore, silky soft smooth skin, tantalizing voices, Creole French poetry, yum yum

Fibo, you appear to be a very well-connected man, and seem to be an ebullient character, to boot.

Back to your 1-10 rating:
what are the criteria of getting a 1, 2, 3, etc.
would you consider the percentage return on capital, or just pure monetary gain?
is a trader who turns 100K into 200K better or worse than someone who turns 80K into 200K?
if two traders equally turn 100K into 200K, but one has a drawdown of 20K and the other 40K, do you consider this a function of the rating?

really interested in your grading rules now!
ta, muchly.
Fibo, you appear to be a very well-connected man, and seem to be an ebullient character, to boot.

Your best friend here at T2W said I'm juiced up on dopamine 🙂 Good thing its not Scopalamine.

well-connected comes easy for a supremely dedicated world traveler with just a backpack and burning desire to see cultures. Ultra simple stuff really, nobody knows my identity when traveling, I don't wear no watch or jewelry and sleep on the beach with the young crowd. They never find out I'm a trader and always wonder when we go to eat who the fck pays for the extra dishes that get miraculously ordered for ALL to eat without subservience and inferiority complex. Ah, I just had a few extra bucks, I say and .........

Ebullient? yes, thank you 🙂 Glistening, glowing come to mind too. But very down to Earth and a good recipient of wherewithal from THE MAN. 🙂
Fibo, you appear to be a very well-connected man, and seem to be an ebullient character, to boot.

Back to your 1-10 rating:
what are the criteria of getting a 1, 2, 3, etc.
would you consider the percentage return on capital, or just pure monetary gain?
is a trader who turns 100K into 200K better or worse than someone who turns 80K into 200K?
if two traders equally turn 100K into 200K, but one has a drawdown of 20K and the other 40K, do you consider this a function of the rating?

really interested in your grading rules now!
ta, muchly.

You're 100% on the right track. Somewhere in this thread I mentioned that WE the people can work out a nice, suitable formula that would cover the concept with aplomb taking into account exactly these factors you mentioned and then some ............. this would be a joint venture with considerable feedback from newbies and seasoned ones so we can deliberate and put it together finally ................ some things I already considered ..........

(1) Since I think first about the poor, the downtrodden, the low capital trader, there must be a percentage equalizer wherein even a cat with just a 10k account can actually beat Warren Buffet in % terms. This to me is super important.

(2a) # winning trades should be very very high
(2b) within the winning trades must be factored the courage and adeptness at sticking with the trend for that timeframe and letting profits run.
(2c) how quickly one cuts losses is a supremely important factor

(3a) Gross annual income from Trading operations (3b) Net after tax trading equivalent income (3c) Annual income barchart.

(4) Daily data on trading earnings cashed out or not that are then run in Excel but nearly almost always in Metastock to ascertain when its likely that Fibo will run into a wall. You see, the walls are inevitable and cannot be escaped. They come in as Wave 2, Wave 4, Wave B. Often a "B" will be a triangle which is quite exasperating as the income stagnates due to sideways stuff. This is no fault of the trader, its just the way the Implant works in the mind. Nobody has yet defeated it, fibo might do so someday but for now is just a simple working stiff. So when a wall is likely approaching I take countermeasures - pay bills years in advance, flow money away to folk etc., the idea being to generate an outflow so intense that the WALL stymied inflow parameters are jarred and hammered and therefore mitigated to a good extent. You see, money is a flow and if you flow it out rapidly, it rushes back in from another direction - like clockwork
but one has a drawdown of 20K and the other 40K, do you consider this a function of the rating?

really interested in your grading rules now!
ta, muchly.

A drawdown of such magnitude for a trader means instantly he is not cutting losses quick. I would correct this in a heartbeat. Trend followers follow this mantra and live thru' the drawdowns. Idiotic. Get out, then get back in. WE traders have the tools to get off the train and then get right back on it when the dominant move resumes. A trader with consistent drawdowns that he cannot cure will lose points in his rating and could easily drop from an 8 to a 3 for the simple reason that in addition to mistake with money he is exposing himself to added pressure in the "pump" (heart). Not worth it to live like that. Harmony and peace is what we try to strive to have regardless the built in stress that goes with the territory. Taking too many many hard shots to the stomach and head and heart broke the magnificent Ali - Fibo was depressed to see this magnificent trader fall like that. Terrible!