Calculation Verifier

How do you verify your calculations?

  • I use a spreadsheet.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My trading platform assists me with this.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't do any calculations before entering a trade.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I've just been introduced to trading and must admit that the calculations really overwhelm me. I am learning how to scalp and should close positions at anything from 3 to 15 % profit on margins. However, I get confused when factoring the brokerage into these calculations and have closed positions in the past where I thought I was in profit only to find that I didn't even cover brokerage. Complicating this even further is that my account is based in Euros and I enjoy trading the US market so I have to factor in the exchange rate as well. I pay brokerage of 0.1%. I would really appreciate it if somebody could give me a simple way of doing these calculations (or at least a simple way to calculate the exit point to cover brokerage).

Many thanks
I have discovered the hard work bit. De-moralising?? I don't know. I don't intend to learn that the hard way though. I'll give it a shot for a little and see how it goes. In any case whatever the trading strategy, one needs to make these calculations, maybe not as quickly with other strategies. Any advice on this. And nevermind the averaging in to positions. I avoid that because it would be a nightmare for me to get my exit break even point.