Verified membership an option?

Do you think we should have an option to verify membership?

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Well-known member
To Mods and All,

In recent events and realize I know not a lot about running a forum, the costs, lots of hours etc and do appreciate the fact it is here FOC.

Not sure who owns this forum, if it is profitable and the long term aim etc, but as an option and to promote integity and transparancy amoungst members it might be a good idea to have the option to verify your identification?

Leave it as a choice with members but members can if they want like other sites verify who they are to give other members more confidence in chatting with them?

This could well ensure the long term longevity of the site, the more confident people are with who they are talking with the more they will use this site, and advertising may also improve?

On the other hand if verification was made manditory then maybe T2W would lose 95% of its members so best keep it only an option hey................ 😎

ps have set up a poll to gauge members thoughts.
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Definitely something they should consider with vendors who are operating anonymously. If I recall correctly compnies such as veriSign offer these kinds of services, so easy enough to implement.

Removing Internet anonymity would solve a lot of problems
It will just give some of the scammers a badge of legitimacy and give the gullible, who fall for their scams, a false sense of security.
It will just give some of the scammers a badge of legitimacy and give the gullible, who fall for their scams, a false sense of security.

You can only protect people so far and a fool and their money etc If people did see an verification badge and saw it as a green light for everything they deserve to lose their money.

At least it is an extra added step to cut out the continual BS on this site which I think will ultimately destroy it, I am getting fairly tired of it? The lack of transparancy makes a lot of this pointless.

I know a few auction/selling sites that have been destroyed by continual scammers, all you ever have are scammers reply to ads and it kills the site, this forum will get to that point at some stage if nothing is done to protect the integrity.
c: not bothered either way.

as long as its optional. I like the anonymity.
I dont think I would bother as much if T2W wanted any kind of verification.
If you wanted that, you might as well join LinkedIn. (which I have, but my profile is quite different there, since its "sober, considered and professional". )

people simply need to learn to distinguish the information from the people offering it.

as per kwickwool, you can only help people so much. if they are hell-bent on giving their money to scammers, they're doomed already.

a validation process doesn't really help much anyway.
I am sure Nick Leeson, and that guy that "lost" a couple of hundred million for UBS were verified as legit right up to the point they went off the rails.

apart from deliberate scammers, there are people who genuinely believe they have something special to offer, despite them not.

as an aside, if you wanted to see how successful or profitable T2W is, you could use the available data, and buy their latest tax returns from Compabies House for a couple of quid, and see how much income they generated, salaries paid, dividends disbursed, etc.
(at least, I think thats how you do it)
as an aside, if you wanted to see how successful or profitable T2W is, you could use the available data, and buy their latest tax returns from Compabies House for a couple of quid, and see how much income they generated, salaries paid, dividends disbursed, etc.
(at least, I think thats how you do it)

SND kindly posted the last 5 or so years worth here at the zoo. Last time I looked they where still there 😆
c: not bothered either way.

as long as its optional. I like the anonymity.
I dont think I would bother as much if T2W wanted any kind of verification.
If you wanted that, you might as well join LinkedIn. (which I have, but my profile is quite different there, since its "sober, considered and professional". )

people simply need to learn to distinguish the information from the people offering it.

as per kwickwool, you can only help people so much. if they are hell-bent on giving their money to scammers, they're doomed already.

a validation process doesn't really help much anyway.
I am sure Nick Leeson, and that guy that "lost" a couple of hundred million for UBS were verified as legit right up to the point they went off the rails.

apart from deliberate scammers, there are people who genuinely believe they have something special to offer, despite them not.

as an aside, if you wanted to see how successful or profitable T2W is, you could use the available data, and buy their latest tax returns from Compabies House for a couple of quid, and see how much income they generated, salaries paid, dividends disbursed, etc.
(at least, I think thats how you do it)

Not bothered with the figures really on how profitable T2W is but just in terms if it lost its membership through too much increase in scammers and 1 day member idiots type thing.

Just food for thought..........