Traders Needed for New Book!


Hi Everyone! My name is Kathy Lien, author of Day Trading the Currency Market. My colleague Boris Schlossberg (author of Technical Analysis of the Currency Market( I are writing a new book that aims to be Market Wizards for the little guy. The working title is Millionaire Traders - How Everday People are Beating Wall Street at its Own Game.

This book will focus on the human aspect of trading like how people got started, stumbling blocks, how to do taxes, worst trade/best etc.

We need more people to interview and not just in FX, also in equities, options and futures.

You do not actually have to have made one million dollars in the market but you must be a successful and profitable retail trader with at least 2 years of consistent positive returns. All confidentially will be completely respected and your names identities and trading styles will not be revealed if you so choose. We don't care if you hold trades for a second or for a month. We want to talk to you!

Please email us if you are interested in participating or know of anyone who would be. Our email address is [email protected]
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I am a self made multi millionaire from trading the currency markets. I started trading just 1 unit of currency using oanda, compounding my profits as my stability grew. It has taken me 2 years to make 6 million (gross) profits. I am on a break now, but built up my trade sizes to the 10,000,000 units maximum in a little over 6 months.

I may be interested. But how much are you paying people to take part in your book? In these recessionary times, i need to maximise revenues.
You're a bit late, it got published in 2007...

Maybe you could be in the next version, like in New Market Wizards?
i didnt see the date. stll trying to get used to the forum.

Besides, most who decide to write a book about trading, are people who have come to the conclusion that they cannot trade. Its a bit of a salvage job for them.